More Like a Restaurant Than a Library *

Jul 20th, 2005 | Filed by

Maybe the absence of books confirms disposition to think them irrelevant.… Read the rest

Getting Pesky Old Books Out of Libraries *

Jul 20th, 2005 | Filed by

Libraries now ‘active, buzzing, lively’ – just like any other coffee shop.… Read the rest

Narcissus Leaves the Pool

Jul 20th, 2005 2:56 am | By

I wrote that comment before I read David Aaronovitch’s piece which says some of the same things.

Mass murder, however, with your own slaughter centre stage, is a pretty extreme act. It is an act of such narcissistic destructiveness, displaying such an incapacity to empathise (you have to be there in the carriage with the Polish girls), that you’d imagine some warning signs, if only you could recognise them…It was also, in a psychological sense, a perverted act. The boys will have known (don’t the relatives remind us?) something of the wrongness of what they did, just as the Columbine school killers did. For whatever reason, however, the pleasure of contemplating the act was greater than the knowledge of its

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Not Prince Hamlet, Nor Meant to Be

Jul 19th, 2005 7:32 pm | By

All right, why did they do it? That’s the question people keep asking or rather answering. They did it because of rage, because of a sense of grievance, because of injustice, because all those people marched and no one listened, because of Fallujah, because of Afghanistan (but not because of Bosnia or Kosovo), because of exclusion and marginalization, because of the violence perpetrated on Muslims. But hey – maybe they didn’t. Maybe even apart from the fact that those are all contemptible ‘reasons’ – maybe they’re not reasons anyway. Maybe they’re only pseudo-reasons, like the ‘reasons’ people protest the G8 summit or the ‘reasons’ people toss a brick through Starbucks’ window and then run away. Maybe all that is bullshit … Read the rest

Multiculturalism is at a Moment of Truth *

Jul 19th, 2005 | Filed by

Drift from melting-pot altruism into salad-bowl separatism has morphed into something more sinister.… Read the rest

Aaronovitch on the Narcissism Factor *

Jul 19th, 2005 | Filed by

Anything that conflicts with the Grievance discounted, anything that contributes to it emphasised.… Read the rest

High School Students Want More Challenge *

Jul 19th, 2005 | Filed by

Almost two-thirds say they would work harder if courses were more demanding or interesting.… Read the rest

Lawrence Tribe on Judicial Review *

Jul 19th, 2005 | Filed by

Let the people decide? Dangerous sport.… Read the rest

Mark Tushnet Replies to Waldron and Tribe *

Jul 19th, 2005 | Filed by

Democracy, rights, interests; legislators, judges; how to reconcile.… Read the rest

Jeremy Waldron on Judicial Review *

Jul 19th, 2005 | Filed by

What passes for ‘reasoning’ in Supreme Court decisions is not about rights at all.… Read the rest

No One Goes to Marylebone Starbucks to Shoot Up *

Jul 19th, 2005 | Filed by

But why does anyone go to Starbucks? Frappucino, music, comfy chairs.… Read the rest

Women Are Known to Like Everything New *

Jul 19th, 2005 | Filed by

So they’d always want a new car so they must not be allowed to drive.… Read the rest

Virtue Trounces Vice Again

Jul 19th, 2005 4:22 am | By

This is funny. I know, I shouldn’t laugh, it’s serious, but it’s funny.

A statement that has warned against the dangers of allowing women to drive in Saudi Arabia was released on the Internet on Friday…It said the enemies of Islam have portrayed the image of Muslim women being without rights and having “a broken wing,” saying that their homes are prisons, their husbands mistreat them, and their hijabs are a sign of backwardness. It said that they have come up with the terminology of “injustice for women” in our country and have used it in the media lately introducing the fact that they are not allowed to drive as a sign of injustice.

They did? Those bastards. … Read the rest

Aporias and Avatars

Jul 19th, 2005 2:02 am | By

Tzvetan Todorov has a good essay in Theory’s Empire. I’ll give you a quotation from it.

The renunciation of judgment and of values leads to insurmountable aporias, as well. To make their own task easier, deconstructionists seem to have assimliated all values to religious values, thus rejecting the distinction between faith and reason, and they treat reason as an avatar – no more and no less – of God, thus wiping out several centuries of struggle with a single stroke of the pen.

Rejecting that distinction between faith and reason is – such a bottomlessly terrible idea.… Read the rest

Marx Only Philosopher People Have Heard Of? *

Jul 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Nor do our home-grown philosophers really punch their weight.… Read the rest

Marx’s Philosophy, a Summary: You Get Screwed *

Jul 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Marx good on symptoms, but vague – a born-again amateur Hegelian – on cures.… Read the rest

Problem is a Pernicious Ideology *

Jul 18th, 2005 | Filed by

The cricket test is not all that informative.… Read the rest

Apologists for Jihadists Not ‘Left’ *

Jul 18th, 2005 | Filed by

They are representatives of an illiberal post-modernist dunciad.… Read the rest

Why We Signed ‘Unite Against Terror’ *

Jul 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Compelling reasons.… Read the rest

The Increasingly Fraught Word ‘Multiculturalism’ *

Jul 18th, 2005 | Filed by

People who come from small villages and know nothing about living in the outside world.… Read the rest