Desmond and Moore’s Darwin

Feb 21st, 2011 | By Allen Esterson

It is widely believed that Darwin delayed publication of his evolutionary theory for some fifteen years largely because he feared the wrath of his contemporaries.[1] The most influential exponents of this view are Adrian Desmond and James Moore, who have promoted it not only in their 1991 biography Darwin, but also in a number of articles and broadcasts. For instance, having reported that in 1842 Darwin had “fleshed-out a thirty-five-page sketch of his evolutionary theory”, they add that “he could have planned to publish” were it not for the fact that it was “heresy to the geologists and blasphemy to the parsons” (Desmond and Moore 1991, pp. 292, 294). A little later they write:

Of course Darwin could not

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What’s missing

Feb 20th, 2011 5:10 pm | By

The Philosophical Primate, aka our friend G Felis, did a guest post at Eric’s blog a couple of days ago. One item in particular jumped out at me.

…the persistent and insistent claims that “something is missing” from the New Atheist world view is true: What’s missing is the siren call of easy assent to illegitimate authority — the human instinct to blend in and concede our autonomy to parent-mimicking authorities who, unlike actual (good) parents, do not have our genuine best interests at heart.

QFT, as the saying goes. I love that. It would make a nice bus ad.

What’s missing is the siren call of easy assent to illegitimate authority.

How peaceful the silence is.Read the rest

Shank’s mare

Feb 20th, 2011 4:53 pm | By

A commenter at Jerry’s suggested a frightening possibility:

JAC, Brother Blackford, OB, and that muscular Eric McD are becoming quite a faction. OMG! You don’t suppose that there are actually EIGHT Horsemen of the Apocalypse?!?11

I suggested we could be the Four Pedestrians of the Apocalypse. I think this is a kind and generous thought, because it gives opposing factions so many openings for jokes. I’m a very giving person.

No actually I just think it’s funny, plus I am a dedicated pedestrian.… Read the rest

Why is evidence so hard for politicians? *

Feb 20th, 2011 | Filed by

It’s okay if your reforms aren’t supported by existing evidence: you just shouldn’t claim that they are.… Read the rest

Ben Goldacre on imaginary evidence *

Feb 20th, 2011 | Filed by

If your reforms are a matter of ideology, legacy, whim, and faith, you could simply say so, and leave “evidence” to people who mean it.… Read the rest

Hackers expose offers to spy on corporate rivals *

Feb 20th, 2011 | Filed by

Let’s make up stuff to discredit people!… Read the rest

Darwin’s “Delay”

Feb 20th, 2011 | By Allen Esterson

Most people interested in the literature on Darwin are aware that he alighted on his theory of natural selection a short time after returning from his five-year Beagle voyage in 1836 (Sulloway 1982). It is rather less well-known that during the first decade following his return he produced a large body of work not directly related to his evolutionary theory: Journal of Researches of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle (1839 and revised in 1845); five volumes of Zoology of the Voyage of H. M. S. Beagle (1840‑1843), which he edited; three volumes of the Geology of the Voyage of the Beagle (1842‑1846); and numerous papers and reviews (Richards 1983, pp. 46-47).

Darwin started jotting down notes on the … Read the rest

Libya: death toll “tops 200” *

Feb 20th, 2011 | Filed by

Residents told Al Jazeera that at least 200 people had died in the eastern city of Benghazi alone.… Read the rest

Tony Blair wants more “respect” for “faith” *

Feb 19th, 2011 | Filed by

Does his “I am a lamp” dance for emphasis.… Read the rest


Feb 19th, 2011 2:06 pm | By

I’ve been thinking about segregation, because I’ve been thinking about the Muslim Brotherhood and sexual segregation. The MB of course mandates sexual segregation where it can, and would mandate it throughout Egypt if it got the power to do so. Many non-MB Egyptians think sexual segregation is right and good.

Marwa, a nursery school teacher who did not provide her last name, stood with some 200 women of all ages who chanted for the downfall of the regime. She wore a veil covering her hair.

‘I cover my body and support gender segregation during the protests, not as an Islamist statement, but because it is not right for men and women to have physical contact,’ she said.

What I’ve … Read the rest

Pretending that evidence is difficult and complicated *

Feb 19th, 2011 | Filed by

Things get tricky when evidence collides with what people would simply like to crack on and do anyway.… Read the rest

Coyne on Vernon on “ultra-Darwinism” *

Feb 19th, 2011 | Filed by

There is nothing numinous or celestial about DNA replication.… Read the rest

Mark Vernon on “ultra-Darwinism” *

Feb 19th, 2011 | Filed by

“Ultra-Darwinism is the kind associated with the new atheism.” Eh?… Read the rest

Clamp down on those pesky women’s shelters *

Feb 19th, 2011 | Filed by

Women have no business trying to escape violence. Who do they think they are?!… Read the rest

Bullies win another round

Feb 18th, 2011 5:04 pm | By

If you haven’t already, sign the petition to Karzai to save Afghan women’s shelters.

UN analyst Una Moore explains why.

Conservative politicians and media personalities have long railed against Afghanistan’s few women’s shelters and demanded that the facilities be closed. Two years ago, the government appointed a hard-line mullah to lead a commission to investigate shelters and recommend reforms…

Now, the shelter commission’s verdict is in. The government will seize all women’s shelters countrywide and place them under the control of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and the police. Women and girls seeking protection will have to plead their cases before an admissions panel of government employees and undergo medically dubious “examinations” to prove they are not guilty of

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HRW to Afghan government *

Feb 18th, 2011 | Filed by

Support, rather than control, the work of shelter providers to ensure that women fleeing domestic violence are able to find safe and secure refuge.… Read the rest

Afghan government’s attack on women’s shelters *

Feb 18th, 2011 | Filed by

In effect, Afghanistan’s few refuges for abused women are about to become prisons.… Read the rest

Values and the New Atheism *

Feb 18th, 2011 | Filed by

What’s “missing” from the New Atheist world view is the siren call of easy assent to illegitimate authority.… Read the rest

Journalist has tiny crush on Muslim Brotherhood *

Feb 18th, 2011 | Filed by

Its youth wing, that is. Sure, they want to establish Sharia, but they’re so young and energetic and passionate.… Read the rest

Egypt: “moderate” Islamist to head panel on constitution *

Feb 18th, 2011 | Filed by

And a former Muslim Brotherhood MP, Sobhy Saleh, will be among the members of the panel.… Read the rest