High vibe

Are you eating high vibrational food? Are you sure?

The ancient Greeks introduced the world to the concept of energy and its effects on humans, animals, plants and health. We’re all connected spiritually by energy, whether we choose to believe it or not. We all form a part of the circle of life, which revolves in a circular motion with no beginning and no end, particularly when it comes to cooking, eating and respecting our food and where it comes from.

I can think of some beginnings and some ends.

The ancient Greeks knew that if the food they were cooking had good energy and brought “agapi” (unconditional love), their dishes would be masterpieces and would heal them at the same time.

They did? Which ones? Thucydides? Heraclitus? Anaxagoras?

We’re all made of energy, and we therefore require the consumption of energy in the form of food, air and water for sustenance and good health. We also require thoughts made up of positive vibrational energy. The ancient Greeks would think good thoughts, live life with agapi and practice affirmations to assist with this process.

We can raise our energy vibration and better connect to ourselves, nature and God by eating highly nutritious energetic foods and eliminating unhealthy thoughts and relationships. Eating high-energy foods help us reach higher consciousness and better connect with our higher source.

It goes on like that.

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