It could be worse

There’s this guy Taki Theodoracopulos who passes for a journalist of some sort, or at least a commentator. He’s very rightwing and very rude, but he also seems to consider himself an adult. He once had a column at the Spectator.

He has a website he calls Taki’s Magazine, and there he has a pile of childish abuse.

TIME magazine has selected German Chancellor and part-time nude model Angela Merkel as its “Person of the Year,” because to call her “Man of the Year” would be sexist, even though she looks like a man.

The magazine’s glowing profile of the dumpy, toadstool-like alleged woman with the Moe Howard haircut…

So because she’s opened her legs spread-eagle to at least a million Middle Eastern “migrants” by the end of this year, TIME has designated her a hero rather than a traitor.

And in Chicago, tiny-fingered part-time Jewish ballerina Mayor Rahm Emanuel…

It should be obvious why British feminist Julie Bindel is a lesbian—because she looks like a sullen warthog and no self-respecting heterosexual man would touch her with a ten-foot dildo.

Any time you feel a bit fed-up or futile, just pause to remember that you’re not Taki Theodoracopulos.

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