Listing the goods

Vyckie Garrison has an article at Raw Story about godless people giving thanks.

Amanda Marcotte’s is the first (the list is alphabetical by first name):

I’ve been doing Friendsgiving long before they called it that, and I’m grateful to have such wonderful, loving friends to eat a bunch of food with and to chat about our mutual obsessions without judgment. Oh, and without praying. I’m in my 30s and still have no idea what to do when people are praying.

Mine changes “thankful” to “glad”:

I don’t love the word “thankful” in this context, I suppose because it sounds too personal and who would that person be if not some version of “God”? But I’m very glad to live in a world with…sunsets, rain, music, dogs, cats, chocolate, mountains, oceans, forests, books, art – even the Internet. I’m very glad I live at a time when and in a place where women are allowed to go outside without asking anyone’s permission. I could go on this way forever.

I could, too. I’m glad the brakes worked yesterday afternoon when that massive double-semi abruptly changed lanes right in front of us (Cooper was in the back seat) on Highway 1 outside Carmel. I’m glad those 4 (or more) foxes we encountered on the golf course last night at 10:30 eventually stopped following us. I’m glad my pulse rate is gradually going back down.

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