The lying dog

The Post reports reactions to Bannon’s appointment:

The announcement has produced intense hand-wringing in Washington and sharp denunciations from political observers and strategists critical of Breitbart News’s close association with the alt-right, a fringe conservative movement saturated with racially insensitive rhetoric and elements of outright white nationalism.

That puts it a good deal too tactfully. Breitbart News is a scurrilous racist hate-mongering rag of a website.

Ben Shapiro, a former Breitbart editor who worked closely with Bannon, called him a “legitimately sinister figure” in an article he published on the Daily Wire after Bannon joined the Trump campaign.

“Many former employees of Breitbart News are afraid of Steve Bannon. He is a vindictive, nasty figure, infamous for verbally abusing supposed friends and threatening enemies,” Shapiro wrote.

No wonder Pres Pussygrabber likes him. Kindred spirits.

Some of the Trump campaign’s most controversial moves in the final months of the campaign were attributed to Bannon, who is known for his combative and unfiltered style. When Trump, before the second presidential debate, invited several women who had accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct to hold a news conference, Bannon stood in the back of the room smiling broadly.

A mean bully.

Bannon’s appointment brings into focus many of the uncomfortable racial tensions surrounding Trump’s campaign, stemming from Trump’s staunch anti-immigrant rhetoric. Throughout the election, Trump’s critics accused him of using such language and the politics of racial grievance to motivate his supporters, charges that he has denied and dismissed. In an interview with CBS’s “60 minutes” that aired Sunday, he expressed surprise when asked about racial slurs that were being used against African Americans and other minority groups since his election.

“I am very surprised to hear that. I hate to hear that, I mean, I hate to hear that,” Trump said in the interview, which was taped Friday. “I would say don’t do it, that’s terrible, because I’m going to bring this country together.”

The lying dog. He spent two years inciting it. He just said the Central Park 5 were guilty, years after DNA evidence clearly demonstrated that they weren’t. He doesn’t “hate to hear that” in the slightest.

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