How wealth and privilege work

A widely shared post by Emily Denny from September 27:

I believe Brett Kavanaugh. I believe that he truly doesn’t remember sexually assaulting someone. I believe that he’s forgotten all the hurt he has caused women. I believe that he didn’t understand the gravity of his actions as a 17-year-old. I believe that the night he forever altered Dr. Ford’s life is just another blip in the foggy haze of his teenage years.

I believe his upbringing and his privilege poisoned his ability to understand right and wrong. I believe he didn’t write “sexually assault someone” in his calendar. I believe he doesn’t think he did it.

I believe he’s frightened and upset. I believe his tears and whimpers. I believe that he truly thinks that this has ruined his life. I believe that he thinks that potentially not getting a job and having some people say mean things about him on the internet has “ruined his life”. I believe he thinks this is the worst case scenario.

And if this isn’t a blistering account of the status of wealth and privilege in this country, I don’t know what is.

I believe you, Dr. Ford.

I differ with her on one item. I’m not sure I do believe that he doesn’t think he did it. If he does, and if the many accounts of what a belligerent drunk he was are true, he has no intellectual right to think that. He’s a judge ffs, not an overworked high school teacher who works 20 hours a week at Starbucks on top of teaching and has no time to learn about alcohol and memory – he’s a judge and an abusive alcoholic, so he damn well should be informed about alcohol and memory and how both connect to abuse. He should be fully aware that getting blackout drunk can wipe your memory, and that that means it’s very likely that he’s forgotten big patches of time. He should be well aware that he fits the description. He should be well aware that what Ford describes sounds hideously plausible. He should be well aware that when he gets drunk he can be dangerous to others. He should be well aware of a lot of things that he furiously denies.

That all by itself is reason enough not to put him on the Supreme Court. He seems to let his self-interest and ego override obvious likelihoods and patterns, which isn’t good in a judge. He seems to be ignorant of his own cognitive weaknesses, which also isn’t good in a judge.

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