Condemnations waste their sweetness on the desert air

Condemnation was swift. Too bad it won’t stop him.

Democrats rushed to condemn Donald Trump after his supporters erupted into chants of “send her back” at the mention of Minnesota congresswoman Ilhan Omar, one of the targets of the president’s recent racist tweets.

The Vermont senator Bernie Sanders was one of the first to offer his support to Omar following the chants at the Trump rally in North Carolina on Wednesday night, accusing the president of “stoking the most despicable and disturbing currents in our society” and called him the “most dangerous president in the history of our country”.

Dangerous and destructive. This shit he’s stoking isn’t going to go away even if he vanishes in a puff of smoke right this minute.

Republican reaction to the moment in Wednesday night’s rally has been much less robust, with only a handful chiming in.

The former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld said he challenged “every Republican to watch Donald Trump’s rally last night, complete with chants of ‘Send her back’, and ask if that is the Party of Lincoln and Reagan we signed up for”.

Reagan? It’s not all that far from Reagan. Remember Bitberg?

The North Carolina congressman Mark Walker said he “struggled” with the “send her back” chant, downplaying the outburst by calling it “brief”. Walker continued: “Her history, words & actions reveal her great disdain for both America & Israel. That should be our focus and not phrasing that’s painful to our friends in the minority communities.”

So that’s an endorsement of Trump’s racist incitement then.

Going after the four Democratic congresswomen one by one, a combative Trump turned his campaign rally into an extended dissection of the liberal views of the women of color, deriding them for what he painted as extreme positions and suggesting they just get out.

“Tonight I have a suggestion for the hate-filled extremists who are constantly trying to tear our country down,” Trump told the crowd in North Carolina, a swing state he won in 2016 and wants to claim again in 2020. “They never have anything good to say. That’s why I say: ‘Hey if you don’t like it, let ’em leave, let ’em leave.’”

He’s in his happy place. He loves doing this. He’ll never stop.

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