History written by?

Elizabeth Warren tweets:

For most of America’s history, when our companies did better, our workers did better – and America built a thriving middle class. The Accountable Capitalism Act will help realign our skewed market incentives so companies & workers can once again do well together.

Erm, no. Not for “most” of America’s history at all. For a couple of decades after World War 2, and even then of course black people were almost entirely shut out. What was different about those two decades? Strong unions and high taxes on extreme wealth.

There are a lot of replies saying that.

When unions did better workers did better. This rhetoric can only come from a capitalist.

That was unions Liz.

For “most” of Americas history? Are you joking? This was true only for a few decades post WW2 because of labor power.This is trickle-down economics in a nutshell. I’d expect nothing less from a Reagan Republican. 😒

NOTHING has trickled down for 40 fuqqing years Liz.

Two centuries of labor struggle would like a word, Senator.

Can’t we all just get along? No.

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