Nouvelle intrusion en maillot couvrant à Grenoble

A “burkini” protest in Grenoble:

Muslim women in France are disobeying the rules at a local swimming pool by wearing burkinis.

In a protest inspired by US civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks, they bathed in suits covering their entire bodies – apart from the face, hands and feet – in the city of Grenoble on Sunday.

The Jean Bron swimming pool is among many in France that ban burkinis.

Leave Rosa Parks out of it. It’s not the same thing. Banning a garment is not the same as banning people.

After changing into burkinis, the Muslim members of the group were told by lifeguards that their swimsuits were not allowed.

Despite this, they entered the pool and bathed for about an hour with members of the community, many of whom cheered and applauded them for doing so.

It’s complicated. Banning the garment means banning women and girls who feel required to wear the garment, whether because they think their god requires it or because their male relatives force them to wear it or something in between. On the other hand permitting the garment works to normalize it and perhaps increase the pressure on other women and girls to wear it.

Burkinis, a mix of the words “burka” and “bikini”, are marketed to Muslim women as a way for them to swim in public while adhering to modesty edicts.

And that’s just it, isn’t it. What are “modesty edicts”? Why do they govern what women can wear but not what men can wear? Why do women have to swim in yards of cloth while men don’t?

But banning it seems coercive too. It’s a very yes but no but issue.

(Note that the French don’t call it a “burkini.” It’s not clear why the BBC does.)

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