So perplexed

So I asked Doctor Google, and Snopes says the poster is real but the headline was intended as a joke, or at least as “somewhat” facetious.

This image was originally posted by the web site Louder with Crowder in August 2017 and was widely circulated on social media accompanied by derisive comments mocking the seemingly ever-expanding acronym used to refer to gender and sexual minorities. Some who saw the flyer were apparently so perplexed by the 15 letters at the top (which according to the flyer stands for Lesbian, Gay, Genderqueer, Bisexual, Demisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Twospirit, Intersex, Queer, Questioning, Asexual, Allies, Pansexual and Polyamorous) that they questioned whether or not the image was real.

Ooh, imagine that – but it wasn’t “real” in the sense of truly referring to a genuine acronym without any irony.

This is indeed a flyer used to publicize an ETFO-run inclusiveness training session. However, the acronym LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP was used somewhat facetiously in order to publicize the training. A representative for the Durham chapter of the ETFO told us:

Yes, the poster is genuine. The intent of the title was to draw workshop participants (teachers) by acknowledging that keeping track of diverse LGBTQ identities can be overwhelming, especially as our students are continuously identifying new ones. In our union, we use LGBTQ as an umbrella term for all marginalized sexual and gender identities.

Which is turning out to be a bad idea because it mashes together too many disparate concepts, some of which contradict others.

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