Exploring six different facets of human experience

Well of course. Trans “woman” gets massive book deal for book about “gender.” Of course he does.

The first book by Munroe Bergdorf, a manifesto on gender by the black transgender activist and model, has been bought for a six-figure sum after a bidding war between 11 publishers.

Bergdorf’s Transitional will be published by Bloomsbury in 2021. Exploring six different facets of human experience – adolescence, sexuality, gender, relationships, identity and race – the book will draw on Bergdorf’s own experiences, including growing up in a mixed-race family, going to an all-boys school and starting her transition at the age of 24. In it, she will argue that transition is an experience every person faces in every phase in life, “and that only by recognising this can we understand times of change”.

Oh, gosh, really? I thought we were all set in stone the instant our faces popped out of Mom, never to change again. I’m shook to hear otherwise.

The book will explore the history of gender throughout the world, including Polynesian, Indian and Native American cultures that recognised more than two genders before the colonial era. “I’ve gone into the depths of where gender came from, because it hasn’t always existed in [the way] we think about gender today,” said Bergdorf. “What it’s like to be a cisgender woman today is not what it was in the middle ages, or the 1950s, or even the 1980s.”

Well thank fuck we’ve got Munroe Bergdorf to set us all straight on what it’s like to be a “cisgender” woman today, because who knows more about that than yet another man?

Bergdorf has spoken out recently about fellow Bloomsbury author JK Rowling, whose recent comments about transgender rights Bergdorf described as transphobic. She also referred the UK peer Emma Nicholson to the Parliamentary Standards Conduct Commissioner, for her posts on social media about the trans community.

In other words Bergdorf has bullied JK Rowling and Emma Nicholson; guy bullies two prominent women. Tell us something we don’t know.

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