Of the other gender

The Tavistock ruling part 2.

The Tavistock deals with cases referred to it from across England and Wales. Until 2011, puberty blockers were only available at GIDS for those aged 16 or older.

In the year 2019-20, of 161 children referred to GIDS, three were aged 10 or 11 and 95 under the age of 16.

95 out of 161. Eeeeesh.

Diagnosis of gender dysphoria involves children demonstrating at least six of a series of behavioural traits as well as an “associated significant distress or impairment in function, lasting at least six months”.

Ah yes behavioral traits, like wearing the “other” clothes for example. The patterns include:

• A strong desire to be of the other gender or an insistence that one is the other gender.

• A strong preference for wearing clothes typical of the other gender.

• A strong preference for cross-gender roles in make-believe play or fantasy play.

• A strong preference for toys, games or activities stereotypically used or engaged in by the other gender.

• A strong preference for playmates of the other gender.

• A strong rejection of toys, games and activities typical of one’s assigned gender.

• A strong dislike of one’s sexual anatomy.

• A strong desire for the physical sex characteristics that match one’s experienced gender.

The whole thing rests on the social rules about “gender.” The language in almost every item makes that plain. “Clothes typical of the other gender,” “cross-gender roles,” “stereotypically,” “the other gender,” “assigned gender,” “experienced gender.” The only purely physical one is the “strong dislike of one’s sexual anatomy.”

Lots of people dislike the social rules about gender, and rightly so, because they’re stupid. Get rid of the damn rules! And in the meantime, defy them. It’s a win-win: it’s easier than drastically altering your body, and it avoids all the drawbacks to drastically altering your body.

In short, dislike of social conventions isn’t something that requires chemical sex reversal. Social conventions are social, not physical, so trying to medicate them away is futile as well as harmful.

Speaking outside the Royal Courts of Justice after the ruling, Keira Bell said she was “delighted” with the ruling: “This judgment is not political, it’s about protecting vulnerable children … I’m delighted to see that common sense has prevailed.”

Paul Conrathe, the solicitor who represented both claimants, said the ruling was “an historic judgment that protects children who suffer from gender dysphoria … This may have led to hundreds of children receiving this experimental treatment without their properly informed consent.”

And who speaks for the other side?

Lui Asquith, from the trans children’s charity Mermaids, said: “It’s frankly a potential catastrophe for trans young people across the country and it cannot be exaggerated the impact that this might have, not only on the population of trans young people that require hormone blockers, but it may potentially open the floodgates towards other questions around bodily autonomy and who has the right to govern their own body.”

Or maybe it’s a rescue for “trans young people” who wake up from their delusion a few years down the road.

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