What happens is

It’s ok though, it’s going to go away. That’s all – just go away. Don’t worry.

Alotta progress has been made on a vaccine – but I think what happens is it’s gunna go away – this is gunna go away – and uh whether it comes back in a modified form in the fall, wull be able to handle it, wull be able to put out spurts [two “put out spurts” gestures to illustrate what he means] and uh wurr very prepared to hannle it – we’ve learned a lot, we’ve learned a lot about it, The Invisible Enemy [getting excited] it’s a bad enemy very tough enemy but we’ve learned a lot…[closes eyes for a brief nap]…it’s in a hunred n eighty four countries

…and on we proceed to a rant about China but never mind all that, it’s going to just go away. He said so. Everything’s fine. Have a scoop of ice cream.

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