A broad repudiation

Cleanup on aisle 7:

The Biden administration on Friday revoked a Trump-era restriction on migrants who enter the country without health coverage and rolled back six executive orders intended to stoke anger over street protests and attacks on Confederate monuments in 2020.

The actions, while hardly unexpected, represented a broad repudiation of former President Donald J. Trump, and his practice of using executive orders to advance his political agenda.

To advance his political and spiteful agenda. He’s got to be the most spiteful human being on the planet.

The restriction on migrants was blocked by a judge soon after Trump issued it.

The others rolled back on Friday were a grab-bag of Trump pronouncements and initiatives that now seem like a time capsule of his tempestuous, news-cycle-driven presidency, including a proposed sculpture garden to honor the “great figures of America’s history,” first proposed on July 3, 2020, at a rally at Mt. Rushmore. It was never funded.

A week earlier, Mr. Trump had also signed an executive order to protect federal monuments against the attacks of protesters, at a time when statues of rebel generals and racist politicians were being defaced by protesters and removed by local governments.

The order, written with the partisan bombast of a Trump campaign speech, blasted “rioters, arsonists, and left-wing extremists” and called upon federal law enforcement agencies to punish anyone caught defacing public property to the fullest extent of the law.

His “you kids get offa my lawn” order is null and void.

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