Pronouns in court

Another step into the sunshine of utopia: we now get to know what pronouns courtroom lawyers “use.” Well, we don’t, but the lucky people of British Columbia do.

In an effort to be more inclusive of transgender people, the Provincial Court of B.C. has created a new policy asking lawyers to provide pronouns when introducing themselves and their clients in court.

While some lawyers have already started including pronouns in their introductions, the court will now expect everyone to share how they wish to be referred to.

In a press release, the provincial court provided an example of such an introduction: “My name is Ms. Jane Lee, spelled L-E-E. I use she/her pronouns. I am the lawyer for Mx. Joe Carter who uses they/them pronouns.” (Mx. is a gender-neutral title.)

The stupidity kind of takes my breath away. Talk of “using” pronouns is gibberish anyway, and likely to be incomprehensible to many of the people who will hear such an introduction. “Using” pronouns is saying them yourself, it’s not telling other people which ones to say when talking about you. That’s not what “use” means.

Besides which people are there to pay attention and make important decisions. Pointless distractions are pointless distractions.

The court said the policy change will improve the experiences of gender diverse people in the legal system and would help avoid confusion and the need for corrections when someone is misgendered.

Oh yes, I’m sure that’s going to help avoid all confusion.

Wednesday’s policy change is a step in the right direction, according to barbara findlay, a queer feminist lawyer with more than four decades of experience in B.C. courts who does not capitalize her name.

I DON’T CARE. I don’t care what queer blah blah does with her its their howloo name. Nobody cares, really, but some people pretend to. In grown up world we don’t spend our time finding out about the little quirks of strangers, because we don’t have time or attention or energy to spare for such a footling pursuit.

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