All entries by this author

Religious rules do not trump child protection laws *

Sep 2nd, 2011 | Filed by

The Irish justice minister had to reiterate this in response to Cardinal Sean Brady’s fuss about the “sacred and treasured” rite of confession.… Read the rest

Christians outraged over BC and AD v BCE and CE *

Sep 2nd, 2011 | Filed by

Baby Jesus is hurt that Australian high school text books will no longer use his name in dates.… Read the rest

Sarah Posner and Anthea Butler on the new Pentecostalism *

Sep 2nd, 2011 | Filed by

If journalists want to understand the religious right movement, they must pay attention to diversity among evangelicals, Pentecostals, and non-denominational churches.… Read the rest

My faith dispels any doubts

Sep 1st, 2011 4:40 pm | By

And by the way three cheers for female genital mutilation.

…some communities see the practice as an integral part of their culture. “I have two daughters and five nieces, all circumcised by doctors. I do not consider it a human rights violation because, according to our religious teachings, it has been divinely ordained. My faith dispels any doubts that some might put in my mind,” says Shaheen Abdullah.

Good old god! “He” designed us the way we are and then ordained that the females of us have to have our genitals chopped off. Why not just not include the genitals in the original package then? Why construct the thing only to ordain that it should be carved up and … Read the rest

(This is a syndicated post. Read the original at FreeThoughtBlogs.)

Get out

Sep 1st, 2011 4:14 pm | By

One woman escaped the “Quiverfull” nightmare. First she entered the trap -

I remarried, found a “bible-believing” church, and worked hard
within the Quiverfull counterculture to implement the best of the best biblical
family values into our home life.  I had six more children. I homebirthed,
homeschooled, and home-churched. I submitted to my husband and joyfully
sacrificed my time, energy and talents to build him up and help him to succeed.
I published a “pro-life, pro-family” Christian family newspaper to inform and
encourage other Christians to defend “Traditional Family Values.”

In 2003, we were honored as Family of the Year at the Nebraska Family
Council’s “Salt & Light” awards.

Then she noticed how bad it was -

…perpetual pregnancies

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(This is a syndicated post. Read the original at FreeThoughtBlogs.)

One woman who escaped the “quiverfull” nightmare *

Sep 1st, 2011 | Filed by

“Perpetual pregnancies destroyed my health, and my indiscriminate acquiescence to my husband’s every whim transformed him from a loving father into a tantrum-throwing tyrant.”… Read the rest

God said let there be FGM *

Sep 1st, 2011 | Filed by

“I do not consider it a human rights violation because, according to our religious teachings, it has been divinely ordained.”… Read the rest

Stop the deportation of Mitra Kahrom to Iran *

Sep 1st, 2011 | Filed by

She fled to Sweden and has been openly and vocally active in organizations that oppose the Islamic Republic regime.… Read the rest

Legal firm helps women accused of witchcraft *

Sep 1st, 2011 | Filed by

It is often the widows, or the older, poorer or disabled women and those unprotected by male relatives who are most vulnerable to witchcraft accusations in Burkina Fasso.… Read the rest

The history of dissident thought

Sep 1st, 2011 11:10 am | By

It’s embarrassing and shocking that Michele Bachmann can be a serious candidate for president. The same goes for Rick Perry; the same goes for Mitt Romney; the same goes for Sarah Palin. Susan Jacoby thinks Americans’ ignorance of our history of secularism is part of the problem.

 I am less concerned about whether the American public is unacquainted with secular philosophy than I am about its vast ignorance of the founders’ determination not to establish a Christian government. College courses cannot fill the empty space left by public elementary and secondary schooling in which secularism is considered a dirty word instead of an honorable part of American history.

If Americans were not in dire need of remedial education on

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(This is a syndicated post. Read the original at FreeThoughtBlogs.)

Susan Jacoby on secular studies in America *

Sep 1st, 2011 | Filed by

The American public is shockingly ignorant of the founders’ determination not to establish a Christian government.… Read the rest

AI worried about arrests of blacks in Tripoli *

Sep 1st, 2011 | Filed by

The rebels claim Gadhafi’s forces are stocked with mercenaries from various African nations, but there is growing concern skin colour is all the proof some rebels need.… Read the rest

Elizabeth Farrelly on Maryam Namazie in Sydney *

Aug 31st, 2011 | Filed by

The thinking classes’ timid silence on Islamism cedes the critical ground to the  far right, allowing Islamists to cry Islamophobia and render themselves immune.… Read the rest

No more tiptoe

Aug 31st, 2011 4:38 pm | By

An atheist comes out as an atheist. In Kentucky.

I have often tiptoed around stating my lack of religious beliefs because, like
many people in a minority, I fear being shunned and judged. I’ve described
myself with words like non-religious, humanist, and freethinker and have most recently been playing with the “Unitarian” label. But as my kids get older, I don’t want them thinking there is anything wrong with me saying exactly what I am, in terms of my personal religious faith: an atheist. There, I said it. I am an atheist. I AM AN ATHEIST!

Hey Leanna. There are lots of us out here.

 … Read the rest

(This is a syndicated post. Read the original at FreeThoughtBlogs.)

He knew what God wanted, and what men wanted

Aug 31st, 2011 4:22 pm | By

Woho, looky here – the opposition looks at Vision Forum.

A former stay-at-home-daughter and now stay-at-home wife and mommy says she wishes she’d gone to college.

All of these books taught that the world was a very dangerous place for a woman. God had designed her to be at home, creating a peaceful haven for her husband and children. The books said that any girl who left her father’s protection and went out into the world to get an education or job would end up sad and alone, because she was not living the life God willed for her.

God wanted us to dare to live differently. His plan for women involved getting back to the family principles the

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(This is a syndicated post. Read the original at FreeThoughtBlogs.)

Frankly, people do think you’re a nutter

Aug 31st, 2011 12:41 pm | By

Christina Patterson doesn’t share Tony Blair’s affection for injecting “faith” into politics.

You might think that someone who doesn’t believe in a theory
accepted by almost every scientist for more than a century, and who wants to
restrict the rights of half the population to make decisions about their own
body, and thinks that every human being in the world who doesn’t “accept Jesus
as their saviour” will literally go to hell, would have US voters rolling their
eyes. But it doesn’t. You can’t, in fact, even think of running for office in
the world’s only superpower if you don’t, in the now famous words of Alastair
Campbell, “do God”.

Bad combination – superpower, and must do god. Even worse … Read the rest

(This is a syndicated post. Read the original at FreeThoughtBlogs.)

And all I got was this stupid T shirt

Aug 31st, 2011 12:03 pm | By

Really, J C Penney? Really?


What the hell is that, skool for future “Sex and the City” airheads? A scheme to make all women as empty-headed as the “real” “housewives” of New York/New Jersey/Hollywood/Las Vegas/Miami/Topeka? Or just a calculated insult to women in general?

They’ve withdrawn the T shirt now, thank you for small favors, but why did they come up with it in the first place? What next? A funny-haha girls’ T shirt saying “I’m too stupid to do homework so I’ll just go to work at J C Penney when I grow up?”… Read the rest

(This is a syndicated post. Read the original at FreeThoughtBlogs.)

J.C. Penney pulls too-stupid T shirt *

Aug 31st, 2011 | Filed by

Girl’s T shirt said:  “I’m too pretty to do homework so my brother has to do it for me.”… Read the rest

Nadine Dorries vs women’s rights *

Aug 31st, 2011 | Filed by

To see British politicians adopting the Christian right’s misogynistic and anti-sex attitudes is frankly terrifying; a lot scarier than an earthquake sent from God.… Read the rest

Let’s keep “faith” out of politics *

Aug 31st, 2011 | Filed by

Women have fought hard for the right not to have their bodies controlled by somebody else’s God; so have lesbians and gays. We might need to start fighting again.… Read the rest