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Paul Fidalgo on Karen Armstrong *

Jan 13th, 2010 | Filed by

When cornered by particularly formidable atheists and rationalists, religionists play the Socrates Card. … Read the rest

If Murder is Sincere Then it’s Not so Bad? *

Jan 13th, 2010 | Filed by

Judge refused prosecution request to bar evidence that might support a voluntary manslaughter conviction. … Read the rest

Manslaughter Charge ‘Could Justify Violence’ *

Jan 13th, 2010 | Filed by

The court ‘should not be the first to enable a defendant to justify premeditated murder because of an emotionally charged belief.’… Read the rest

Judge Rules Killer Can Argue for Right to Kill *

Jan 13th, 2010 | Filed by

Will be allowed to argue in court that he believed he was justified in trying to save unborn children… Read the rest

If quacks and bunko artists can be convicted of fraud…

Jan 13th, 2010 12:00 am | By

Daniel Dennett throws down a challenge to various pieties.

I also look forward to the day when pastors who abuse the authority of their pulpits by misinforming their congregations about science, about public health, about global warming, about evolution must answer to the charge of dishonesty. Telling pious lies to trusting children is a form of abuse, plain and simple. If quacks and bunko artists can be convicted of fraud for selling worthless cures, why not clergy for making their living off unsupported claims of miracle cures and the efficacy of prayer?

Because of the free exercise clause, that’s why, or at least it’s one reason. The free exercise clause is a very problematic little item. One can see why … Read the rest

Like champagne

Jan 12th, 2010 4:07 pm | By

After time foolishly squandered arguing with people who unflaggingly and contentedly defend sexist epithets and insist that they are entirely different from racist epithets and repeat with immovable obstinacy that of course they would not call a black person a stupid nigger but calling a woman a stupid bitch is just fine – after that it is refreshing to read less stupid more clear-sighted remarks. Remarks that are two years old, to be sure, but one gets one’s refreshment where one can.

…in the last week, I had a really retro and disheartening conversation about sexist language—a really retro and disheartening conversation about sexist language that I’ve had dozens of times before.

You and me both.

It began in

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Why Did a British Professor Support Pol Pot? *

Jan 12th, 2010 | Filed by

The other historians went into the archives; Caldwell had very clear ideological views and the empirical basis didn’t seem to worry him.… Read the rest

Dear God Please Bless My iPhone *

Jan 12th, 2010 | Filed by

Possessed bankers hold their toys aloft for blessing. Seriously.… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo Defend Moral Absolutes *

Jan 12th, 2010 | Filed by

Killing is tricky, of course – but some things are totally absolute!… Read the rest

Violence Against Journalists in Philippines *

Jan 12th, 2010 | Filed by

Nightmare 2009 culminated in massacre of 30 journalists by a militia on Mindanao, and 2010 has started badly.… Read the rest

The Fate of Journalists Imprisoned in Eritrea *

Jan 12th, 2010 | Filed by

‘The conditions in which Eritrean detainees are held are among the most disturbing in the world.’… Read the rest

Dennett on ‘Media Bias Against Christianity’ *

Jan 12th, 2010 | Filed by

There is none.… Read the rest

Religious membership is generally not fully voluntary

Jan 11th, 2010 3:51 pm | By

Taken from the comments, slightly modified to make it general rather than a reply.

The literal meaning of the term “indoctrination” indicates the matter at issue quite clearly. Here’s a very standard definition from “to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc.” Children are not merely instructed in doctrine, of course, they are also inducted into the ranks of religious organizations in various ways: not just educationally, but socially, ritually, and so on. Moreover, inducting children into the ranks of their chosen religion is the explicit primary purpose of most parents who emphasize their children’s religious education, which is what makes it indoctrination rather than mere education: The word “education,” when unmodified, is generally used to indicate instruction in … Read the rest

Gay Muslims Made Homeless By Family Violence *

Jan 11th, 2010 | Filed by

Forced marriage, ‘honor’ killing, beatings, imprisonment.… Read the rest

More ‘Equality Threates Religious Expression’ *

Jan 11th, 2010 | Filed by

‘As umpteen bishops and other religious leaders have pointed out.’ Oh well say no more.… Read the rest

More ‘Human Sacrifices’ in Uganda *

Jan 11th, 2010 | Filed by

Witch doctors, children chopped up for parts, ritual, get rich quickly.… Read the rest

What is Blasphemy and Should We Care? *

Jan 11th, 2010 | Filed by

My take on Comment is Free Belief question of the week.… Read the rest

Telegraph Says No to Equality *

Jan 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Tolerance means letting other people exclude inferiors from power. Why can’t Labour understand this?… Read the rest

UK: Catholic Church in Panic Over Equality Bill *

Jan 10th, 2010 | Filed by

The church could no longer exclude women from power. This must not be!… Read the rest

Atheism Has Left the Closet *

Jan 10th, 2010 | Filed by

The new atheism is bigger, more organised, and much more assertive than ever before.… Read the rest