All entries by this author

Atheists Are So Literal to See God as a Bully *

Nov 11th, 2009 | Filed by

God of course is all about love and compassion, and there is no reason to think otherwise.… Read the rest

HRW on Fattahian, Iran, ‘Enemies of God’ *

Nov 11th, 2009 | Filed by

Article 186 of Islamic Penal Code makes all members of armed groups opposed to the regime ‘enemies of God.’… Read the rest

Iran: Bastards Executed Fattahian *

Nov 11th, 2009 | Filed by

Many Iranians and rights groups fear government will carry out more executions to silence opposition.… Read the rest

His Very Popularity Should be More Popular *

Nov 11th, 2009 | Filed by

Normblog on Seumas Milne on hugely popular strangely neglected Noam Chomsky.… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo on the Plague of Atheists *

Nov 11th, 2009 | Filed by

They just can’t see the love, the bastards.… Read the rest

Legislators Oppose Abortion on Religious Grounds *

Nov 11th, 2009 | Filed by

Invoking religion on the floor of the House defies the Constitution.… Read the rest

The enemy of me is the enemy of God

Nov 11th, 2009 11:53 am | By

Iran has a section of its penal code that makes quite clear why it gets to execute pretty much anyone who opposes it.

Article 186 of Islamic Penal Code states that when any group or organization attempts armed confrontation against the Islamic Republic of Iran, so long as its leadership is intact, all its members and supporters who are aware of the organization’s positions and take steps to further its objectives, are “enemies of God,” even if they are not involved in its military branch. Article 190 of Islamic Penal Code states that there are four possible punishments for “war against God or corruption on earth”: death, death by hanging; amputation of the right hand and then the left foot;

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Jumping v stretching

Nov 10th, 2009 5:41 pm | By

Anthony Grayling points out that university students aren’t there to get maximum ‘contact hours’ with faculty.

The assumption that lies behind the contact hours issue is a deeply mistaken one. It is that universities are a simple extension of school, and that as at school, students should be given as much attention as possible. This misunderstanding is astonishing coming from Peter Mandelson, who read PPE at Oxford, though comprehensible enough among students first encountering a much more independent working style than they had while being prepared for the endless hoop-jumping at school…University is emphatically not about spoon-feeding and hand-holding through courses, but the very opposite. It is not about maximising contact hours, but about autonomy in thinking, researching and writing.

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Theocracy rules ok

Nov 10th, 2009 1:27 pm | By

The Catholic church has veto power over significant US legislation, to the point that Pelosi has to ask it for its approval in order to get a bill passed.

Now House leaders are not only negotiating with fellow lawmakers, but also with representatives from the bishops’ organization, Democratic sources said. “It’s come to this,” said one bewildered senior Democratic lawmaker, speaking on condition of anonymity in order to discuss internal deliberations…Several Democrats, including Rep. Jason Altmire, D-Pennsylvania, said they are in touch with their Catholic bishops back home. Altmire said he must have the approval of his bishop in Pittsburgh before he can vote yes.

The bishops got their way.

The provision would block the use of federal

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Act Now to Save Iranian ‘Apostate’ *

Nov 10th, 2009 | Filed by

Criminalization of apostasy contravenes Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.… Read the rest

Iran Must Halt Execution of Kurdish ‘Apostate’ *

Nov 10th, 2009 | Filed by

Ehsan Fattahian was sentenced to death for ‘enmity against God.’… Read the rest

AC Grayling on What a University Is For *

Nov 10th, 2009 | Filed by

University is emphatically not about spoon-feeding and hand-holding through courses, but the very opposite.… Read the rest

No to Christian License Plate for South Carolina *

Nov 10th, 2009 | Filed by

State legislature had approved a plate with a cross in front of a stained glass window; judge said No. … Read the rest

Women Lose Rights Under Healthcare Bill *

Nov 10th, 2009 | Filed by

Under pressure from Conference of Catholic Bishops, lawmakers added language infringing right to abortion.… Read the rest

Catholic Power Over US Legislation *

Nov 10th, 2009 | Filed by

Pelosi got permission from Conference of Catholic Bishops, consulted with a cardinal in Rome. … Read the rest

Catholic Bishops Ruled on Healthcare Bill *

Nov 10th, 2009 | Filed by

Several Democrats said they consulted Catholic bishops; one said he needs bishop’s approval to vote yes.… Read the rest

They thought of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, did they?

Nov 9th, 2009 5:33 pm | By

The pope says it’s kosher – John Henry Newman did miraculously cure Deacon Jack Sullivan of a nasty spinal problem.

Deacon Sullivan, 71, said he prayed for the cardinal’s help in August 2001 after being diagnosed with severe spinal disc and vertebrae deformities, a condition, he said, which left him “bent double” and in “excruciating pain”. The deacon said he had watched a television programme in the US about Cardinal Newman and had then prayed to him first in June 2000. He said: “The following morning I got out of bed pain-free, whereas previously I was in agony. I thought, ‘wow, what’s happening?’. My prayer was answered to Cardinal Newman.” He said he then went through a pain-free period, which

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Life in Pakistan *

Nov 9th, 2009 | Filed by

‘Terrorists are following us everywhere: in mosques, shopping centres, hotels, restaurants and even educational institutions.’… Read the rest

Long-dead Cardinal Cures Spinal Injury *

Nov 9th, 2009 | Filed by

US deacon says he was cured of a crippling spinal condition after praying to John Henry Newman.… Read the rest

Rid the World of Female Genital Mutilation *

Nov 9th, 2009 | Filed by

Despite the best efforts of conservative forces, people all over Africa are starting to question the practice.… Read the rest