Posts Tagged ‘ Leaving Islam ’


Oct 13th, 2014 6:15 pm | By

Update to add: Ex-Muslims of North America started this hashtage to highlight the often-neglected experiences of ex-muslims.

Go there on Twitter.

If you’re an ex-Muslim, contribute. If you’re not, read (and contribute: nons are tweeting their reactions, urging others to read, etc).

It’s powerful, some of it desperately sad, some of it joyous.

A few (without handles):

When the brothers of women you know from prayer tell you in the streets that you deserve to be sold into prostitution #AnApostatesExperience

Losing the friendship of every non-relative Muslim I knew & the love of some relatives #AnApostatesExperience

“Watching your mother accept she’s not allowed to visit her child’s grave, and not being able to say anything.” – #AnApostatesExperience

Crying at

Read the rest

(This is a syndicated post. Read the original at FreeThoughtBlogs.)