Posts Tagged ‘ "Man cave" ’

Forget the whole “cave” thing please

Feb 8th, 2014 10:01 am | By

No, the counterpart to the “man cave” where men go to escape the dreaded pesky women who clutter up everything (except most movies, most tv shows, most workplaces, most sport, most news coverage, most religious administration…) and watch football on Giantscreen TVs – the counterpart to that, I say, is not the “mom cave” where women go to heat canned soup for men.

One reason: “mom” is not the counterpart to “man”. The counterpart to man is woman. The word “mom” is the counterpart to the word “dad”.

Notice right away how the whole thing has veered into totally non-counterpart territory. On the one hand we have men, who are people, who do things in the world. On the … Read the rest

(This is a syndicated post. Read the original at FreeThoughtBlogs.)