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Which ones are the professionals?

Nov 8th, 2014 12:17 pm | By

There’s a long and informative Storify by A Man In Black onĀ YouTube, Patreon, and the Rise of the Professional Victimizer. There are people who make a very nice living out of cranking out videos that harass particular women – Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian to name two.

AMIB says thunderf00t is the top worst at this.

A Man In Black @a_man_in_black
Phil “thunderf00t” Mason is a scientist and somewhat (in)famous blogger/vlogger from the freethought/atheist community.

thunderf00t makes videos about science and anti-feminism, and has long attacked Anita Sarkeesian.

His videos usually range in the low six digits for views.

He’s cashed in on attacking Anita Sarkeesian, however. He has two videos from last July attacking her, at 500K

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