You’ve never been

Trans-identifying man Brianna Wu tells women we’ve never been denied anything so we just don’t get it.

Yes he actually wrote that. Women have never been denied any area of expression, he says, blithely ignoring all the many many areas of expression we have been denied, and in some cases punished for trying to enter. Man lectures women on how we have never been told “No” so we just don’t understand.

…you’ve never been denied any area of expression, there’s a lot women take for granted. You’re not punished every time you act in a way that is feminine. You don’t know what it’s like to be forced into a lot of toxic male social dynamics that feel terrifying. You don’t know what it’s like to feel your brain malfunctioning on testosterone.

Now let’s talk about all the things you don’t know what it’s like, Mister Wu.

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