Hmmm, lovely. Counterfactuals are a dangerous game. Who knows how JKR would have turned out if she’d been born 200 years ago. Any of us for that matter. There were abolitionists and prison reformers and nascent women’s rights campaigners. Maybe she’d be one of them instead of an overseer? While we’re dwelling on counterfactuals, Gasocon is Spanish. Maybe in former times he would have been a conquistador? A bunch of guys with no respect for the rights of others prepared to take what they wanted for what it. could give them. They also made the horrors of the cotton fields look like a Sunday picnic.
He has a long history of awful tweets – including what appears to be a transphobic and homophobic rant at Miley Cyrus, calling her both a ‘moustachioed man’ and an ‘evil, horrible, unnatural, lesbian perversion’. There’s plenty more, including a complaint about too many Muslims at his kid’s school; there’s one about the 2021 Oscars: ‘ I didn’t know if I was watching an Afro-Korean festival, a Black Lives Matter demonstration or the 8M. Apart from that, an ugly, ugly gala’.
Hmmm, lovely. Counterfactuals are a dangerous game. Who knows how JKR would have turned out if she’d been born 200 years ago. Any of us for that matter. There were abolitionists and prison reformers and nascent women’s rights campaigners. Maybe she’d be one of them instead of an overseer? While we’re dwelling on counterfactuals, Gasocon is Spanish. Maybe in former times he would have been a conquistador? A bunch of guys with no respect for the rights of others prepared to take what they wanted for what it. could give them. They also made the horrors of the cotton fields look like a Sunday picnic.
Or he could have been Franco’s second in command.
The Spanish Inquisition provided attractive careers for people like him, with plenty of chances to dress up on auto da fé days.
He has a long history of awful tweets – including what appears to be a transphobic and homophobic rant at Miley Cyrus, calling her both a ‘moustachioed man’ and an ‘evil, horrible, unnatural, lesbian perversion’. There’s plenty more, including a complaint about too many Muslims at his kid’s school; there’s one about the 2021 Oscars: ‘ I didn’t know if I was watching an Afro-Korean festival, a Black Lives Matter demonstration or the 8M. Apart from that, an ugly, ugly gala’.
Charming fella.
Jeez. I guess transing really does excuse all, eh?