OB – I watched these documentaries, about watering the deserts in America – very interesting. Making the desert bloom has always been a noble ambition – you read about early civilisations in eg Mesopotamia with their tiny irrigation channels – but then amplified to huge agricultural production it becomes a horror. Add to that the modern Westerner’s expectation of having unlimited clean water – and taking it for granted, like electricity – all of which require a great and unseen infrastructure.
OB – I watched these documentaries, about watering the deserts in America – very interesting. Making the desert bloom has always been a noble ambition – you read about early civilisations in eg Mesopotamia with their tiny irrigation channels – but then amplified to huge agricultural production it becomes a horror. Add to that the modern Westerner’s expectation of having unlimited clean water – and taking it for granted, like electricity – all of which require a great and unseen infrastructure.