Rachel Who?
A mental health nurse has been struck off after asking a Polish colleague whether he was “some sort of Nazi” while out on a Christmas do.
Rachel Hole was also accused of using the N-word while out with work colleagues amid a string of racist incidents spanning a number of years while working as a ward manager on The Hazel Ward, a Low Secure Mental Health Ward at The Chichester Centre in Chichester.
Ms Hole also scared a BAME colleague by putting a white sheet over her head in a Halloween prank but later defended herself by saying she was “hardly one of the Ku Klux Klan”.
And so on and so on – it continues for 22 paragraphs like that without ever mentioning that “Ms Hole” is a man or that “Hole” is a name he bestowed on himself for reasons we’re all too familiar with.
(Sorry for shouting.)
I’m desperately hoping that he chose Sarah as his middle name without sufficient thought.