God we beseech thee bless this bullet

Apr 23rd, 2010 12:01 pm | By

Okay, I give up – what is the Pentagon doing having a “special Pentagon prayer service”? Even before we ask what is it doing having Franklin Graham appearing at such a thing, what is it doing having such a thing in the first place?

And yet people wonder why atheists “proselytize” to the extent of pointing out that there are no genuinely good reasons to believe the things that make a “National Prayer Day” seem like something that an entity called God expects us to have once a year.… Read the rest

Franklin Graham uninvited to Pentagon ‘Prayer Day’ *

Apr 23rd, 2010 | Filed by

What is the Pentagon doing having a ‘Prayer Day’?… Read the rest

Cristina Odone offers theocratic bullying nonsense *

Apr 23rd, 2010 | Filed by

Dr Death, abortion, euthanasia, faith schools, all life precious.… Read the rest

The terrible case of Lucia de Berk *

Apr 23rd, 2010 | Filed by

A Dutch nurse who has spent 6 years in jail on a life sentence for murdering 7 people, in a killing spree that never happened.… Read the rest

A spectacular reputational car crash for the BCA *

Apr 23rd, 2010 | Filed by

Until they sued, most people thought chiropractors just did backs, Ben Goldacre notes.… Read the rest

Pope named in Milwaukee abuse lawsuit *

Apr 23rd, 2010 | Filed by

His lawyers want the Church to release any files it has on abuse cases involving priests. … Read the rest

A gentle tactful loving reminder

Apr 22nd, 2010 5:02 pm | By

Use the formatting tools at the top of the comment box, willya! Half of you are typing in html, after Josh went to all the trouble of giving us tools, and you’re doing the wrong ones so they’re showing up and it looks stupid and bad. Whatsa matta wichoo?

I don’t mean it; you know I love you; but pull yourselves together.

(No I know, it’s not really half. It’s just a few. But we don’t want to embarrass The Few, so let’s say it’s half.)… Read the rest

50 Voices of Disbelief Review in First Things *

Apr 22nd, 2010 | Filed by

New atheism, pooh pooh, new atheists, yawn, new atheism, sheer banality, new atheists, will go away soon, new atheism, we all hates it.… Read the rest

Your mission, should you choose to accept it

Apr 22nd, 2010 12:25 pm | By

“New” atheism is often accused of proselytizing, but I don’t think that’s right.

It’s not really proselytizing. We don’t have the explicit goal of turning everyone atheist. We don’t even really have the implicit goal of doing that. We know it’s vanishingly unlikely, and not necessarily desirable (most of us know that – maybe all of us do – it probably depends on exactly what is meant). Our goals are short of that – speaking broadly.

The most basic is probably to humble the claims somewhat – to chip away at the public assumption that there is nothing dubious about theism – that it’s perfectly reasonable to talk about God as one would talk about Gordon Brown or Sarah Palin. … Read the rest

Uncredible Hallq disputes Pigliucci *

Apr 22nd, 2010 | Filed by

Why try to turn these disagreements into proof that the New (read: Bad) Atheists are screwing everything up?… Read the rest

Herr Bischof, the tan suits you and I love the brooch

Apr 22nd, 2010 11:08 am | By

A really nice touch – it’s not just that Bishop Walter Mixa has now admitted that he used to beat the children in a Bavarian orphanage –

Accusations have also surfaced of financial irregularities at the orphanage’s foundation.

A lawyer hired by the foundation has raised questions about thousands of dollars spent on wine, art, jewelry and even a tanning bed while Bishop Mixa was chairman of the foundation’s board, from 1975 to 1996, while he was a priest in the town of Schrobenhausen.

Isn’t that just typical. The Irish Catholic church sent a lot of the money the government gave it for the care of children in its prisons to Rome while the children slept in the cold and … Read the rest

Halal, Haram, and Negis

Apr 22nd, 2010 | By Jahanshah Rashidian

If you walk at random in a Muslim district in the West, especially in Western Europe, you will certainly find somewhere, at least in one corner, an Islamic butcher’s shop with the word “halal” written on its shop-window. For the products of meat, the word “halal” is a badge of Islamic quality.

Muslims believe that since blood is not ritually a pure substance, slaughter is necessary to promote the thorough draining of all of the animal’s blood. Furthermore, the verse “Bismillah al Rahman Al Rahim”, in the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful, is necessary to render the meat halal or lawful to eat.

The word halal refers, here, to meat killed and prepared in line with Islamic dietary … Read the rest

Catholic church crumbles across Europe *

Apr 22nd, 2010 | Filed by

Raping or beating children, spending orphanage money on wine and jewelry, refusing to admit – it all adds up.… Read the rest

Catholic child rape scandal spreads in Europe *

Apr 22nd, 2010 | Filed by

Walter Mixa, bishop for Augsburg and the German armed forces, offered to resign after admitting he used to hit children.… Read the rest

Ireland: Another Bishop Resigns *

Apr 22nd, 2010 | Filed by

Bishop James Moriarty did not challenge Dublin Archdiocese’s concealment of child-abuse complaints from police.… Read the rest

Theo Hobson reads Alister McGrath *

Apr 22nd, 2010 | Filed by

McGrath repeatedly claims that “faith entails no departure whatsoever from the rational high ground.”… Read the rest

Are you in, or are you out?

Apr 21st, 2010 5:02 pm | By

You know how people like Massimo Pigliucci and others like to say that science has nothing to say about the supernatural? And therefore scientists who dispute religion are trespassing on other people’s territory and crossing their own borders without a passport and generally misbehaving? I’ve been thinking about that.

I googled the two words just now, and found a nice helpful item by Victor Stenger. He quotes the National Academy of Sciences:

Science is a way of knowing about the natural
world. It is limited to explaining the natural
world through natural causes. Science can say
nothing about the supernatural. Whether God
exists or not is a question about which science
is neutral.

That’s good, because it says exactly … Read the rest

Rust Belt Philosophy on NOMA *

Apr 21st, 2010 | Filed by

Since so much of our knowledge supports and is supported by other knowledge, there are networks of dependencies that stretch across nearly all of what we believe about the world.… Read the rest

A political climate of nervous deference to ‘Faith’ groups *

Apr 21st, 2010 | Filed by

We now have a situation in which a religious body representing a tiny number of people is able to cause a serious and expensive inconvenience by invoking their outraged religious sensibilities.… Read the rest

Why Africans are Religious

Apr 21st, 2010 | By Leo Igwe

A new study conducted by the Washington based Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life says that Africans are among the most religious people on earth. The study titled Tension and Tolerance: Islam and Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa was based on more than 25,000 interviews conducted in more than 60 languages in 19 countries. According to the study at least half of all Christians in Sub-Saharan Africa believe Jesus will return in their lifetime. One in three Muslims in the region expect to see the re-establishment of the caliphate – the Islamic golden age – before they die. At least three out of ten people across much of Africa said they have experienced divine healing, seen the devil being driven … Read the rest