If he were the only boy in the world

Trump will be far away from the crowd.

The White House communications director, Alyssa Farah, says that today’s address from Donald Trump will be short and to the point. Although, as many of you will have noticed, brevity is not exactly the president’s strong point.

Neither is getting to the or making a point. There is no point, there’s only a surging mephitic sea of exclamations.

“The President’s at a great distance, he’s gonna be up on the balcony and very briefly address the supporters there,” Farah told reporters at the White House on Saturday.

But “the supporters” will be in a crowd. See the problem there?

If reports that 2,000 people have been invited to watch the president’s address are true, that seems a large crowd – and a lot of Covid-19 risk – for a few words on law and order.

Quite so. Now if it were 30, and they were all widely spaced, it might not be so bad, but otherwise…it’s a very bad idea.

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