Put the labels on the right jars

The usual stupid hodgepodge of Kinds of Anti-Racism I Don’t Like labeled “Critical Race Theory” as if the two were the same thing.

In schools across the country, woke teachers and left-wing parent activists are promoting critical race theory, a disturbing philosophical framework founded in radical, racially charged concepts about culture, society, and government.

No, you mean they’re promoting various innovations in teaching about race and history and racism. That’s not what Critical Race Theory means.

According to critical race theorists, virtually all of society’s problems should be viewed within the context of alleged systemic racism, which all people have a solemn duty to root out at any cost — including by promoting other forms of racism.

Ibram X. Kendi, a leading advocate of critical race theory, summarized this troubling idea in his popular book How to Be an Antiracist.

But Kendi is not a leading advocate of critical race theory. He’s an activist and academic, but that doesn’t make him a leading advocate of critical race theory. Those three words are not a catchall for every kind of antiracism there is.

Critical race theory has become an immensely popular idea among many in academia, and some of its core tenets have made their way into countless classrooms, in virtually every state in the country.

For example, a New York City public school principal asked parents earlier in 2021 to identify and evaluate their particular kind of “whiteness.” Among the eight options provided were “white supremacist,” “white privilege,” and “white traitor.”

Again – not critical race theory. Whiteness studies, yes, but crt no.

Justin Haskins (author of the piece) admits it at one point:

The argument that critical race theory is often linked to illegal, racist actions was bolstered in a recent ruling by Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen.

In a decision issued on May 27, Knudsen concluded, “In many instances, the use of ‘Critical Race Theory’ and ‘antiracism’ programming discriminates on the basis of race, color, or national origin in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Article II, Section 4 of the Montana Constitution, and the Montana Human Rights Act.”

Emphasis mine. This is what I’m saying. Haskins is talking about antiracism programming in general, and that’s not the same thing as critical race theory. It’s illiterate and pointless to keep insisting it is.

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