Religion and Public Relations *

Jan 8th, 2004 | Filed by

Pedophile priests and Jesus-according-to-Gibson need to be carefully presented.… Read the rest


Jan 7th, 2004 8:27 pm | By

Well, really. I’ve probably said this before…but I’ll simply have to repeat myself then. This is one of those times I just have to shake my grizzled head and croak with the Wicked Witch of the North, ‘What a world, what a world.’

A kind and helpful reader, Chris of the blog Intelligent Life, alerted me to this horrible story in a comment on another story about gangs of religious thugs terrorizing people. There’s just no end to it, it seems.

Sanika Bapat, another post-graduate scholar merely questioned, ‘‘Why did they tear a Shivaji manuscript from this library? Are they Shivaji worshippers or patriots? They are worse than any militia. We are another Taliban now.’’ People sitting outside the

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The Dangers of Studying Mythology *

Jan 7th, 2004 | Filed by

James Laine on why he wrote about Shivaji.… Read the rest

Indian Historians Given Police Protection *

Jan 7th, 2004 | Filed by

OUP withdrew book, author apologized, but protesters attacked anyway.… Read the rest

Enlightenment Against Empire *

Jan 7th, 2004 | Filed by

Introduction to Sankar Muthu’s book on 18th century anti-imperialism.… Read the rest

‘Activists’ Attack Research Institute *

Jan 7th, 2004 | Filed by

Vandals attack Bhandarkar oriental research institute, staff, books and manuscripts.… Read the rest

Samantha Power Reviews Chomsky *

Jan 7th, 2004 | Filed by

A glib and caustic tone; exaggerated claims not backed up; but worth reading.… Read the rest

Judith Butler Superstar

Jan 6th, 2004 8:17 pm | By

Okay, what’s the deal with Judith Butler. Why does everyone who writes about her call her a celebrity or a superstar. A superstar?? Someone who teaches gender studies at Berkeley? A superstar?

Berkeley’s Judith Butler, a superstar of gender and literary studies, drew a packed house with her analysis of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s bad grammar and slippery use of the term “sovereignty.”

I’m not making it up, that’s from the Boston Globe, from a story on the MLA convention. Not a very affectionate or over-impressed story, either – and yet Scott Jaschik calls Butler a superstar. Well if she got married in Las Vegas and then had the marriage annulled the next day, would we hear about it? … Read the rest

Anthropocentric Conceit *

Jan 6th, 2004 | Filed by

The creator of the fifteen-billion-year-old, multibillion-star universe thinks we’re just swell. Right?… Read the rest

Ha’aretz Meets Judith Butler *

Jan 6th, 2004 | Filed by

She’s a celebrity, she exudes charisma, followers line up for her talks. Hmm.… Read the rest

Daniel Mendelsohn on Donald Kagan *

Jan 6th, 2004 | Filed by

What does the Peloponnesian War mean in a world with only one superpower?… Read the rest

Adonis on the Veil *

Jan 6th, 2004 | Filed by

Arab poet has harsh words for the hijab and its fans.… Read the rest

Should NGOs be Accountable? *

Jan 6th, 2004 | Filed by

Who decides, and what are the criteria, and who decides that?… Read the rest

No Thank You

Jan 5th, 2004 9:52 pm | By

I read something interesting and even (very slightly) encouraging in a month-old New York Times magazine article on Pakistan by Barry Bearak.

Government by ”the mullahs” has long been a dreaded prospect by the vast majority of Pakistanis with less doctrinaire views, and the M.M.A.’s unexpected victories intensified fears that ”Talibanization” was creeping its way across the land.

It is good to know that the vast majority of Pakistanis (which I think is what that not very clear clause means: the vast majority of Pakistanis, who have less doctrinaire views, as opposed to the vast majority of Pakistanis-with-less-doctrinaire-views, which of course could be a much smaller number) dread the prospect of government by the mullahs. But it’s only a little … Read the rest

Incautious Precautionary Principle *

Jan 5th, 2004 | Filed by

Philip Stott on morally bankrupt opposition to GM crops in developing world.… Read the rest

Football Coach Millionaires *

Jan 5th, 2004 | Filed by

‘Many wonder how healthy it is to pay a football coach more than the president of a university.’… Read the rest

Uh, Er, Um, Like, You Know *

Jan 5th, 2004 | Filed by

Disfluency matters, but wait for tenure before studying ‘like.’… Read the rest

‘Superstars’ at the MLA *

Jan 5th, 2004 | Filed by

English professors used to criticize the Taliban, but that was then.… Read the rest

Jesting Pilate Goes to Hollywood

Jan 5th, 2004 12:24 am | By

The World Service, part 2. Another thing I heard this morning, while standing around with my nose in my first cup of coffee (or perhaps it was the second) and waiting for the living room to warm up a little, was a lively and too-brief discussion of the vexed question: does it matter if movies tell enormous lies about history? The historian Anthony Beevor argued that it does, some entertainment boffin whose name I instantly forgot argued (of course) that it doesn’t. If I’ve heard the boffin’s argument once I’ve heard it a thousand times. Movies are movies, they have to entertain (what does he mean ‘have to’?), they have to tell a story; nobody cares about the truth they … Read the rest


Jan 4th, 2004 9:24 pm | By

I heard something very irritating on the BBC World Service on the radio early this morning as I was bumbling around in waking-up mode. In beginning a feature on the religious avowals being made by all nine Democratic presidential candidates, the reporter said ‘The United States is a deeply devout country…’ I gave a kind of mental yowl of disgust and rage. It is not! It does have a lot of religious believers in it, to be sure, but the figure is not 100% yet! And it is possible to ignore the stuff most of the time. Really it is. People who’ve never been here will hear that kind of thing and imagine that every other building is a … Read the rest