First, Do No Harm *

Feb 26th, 2005 | Filed by

Next, get agreement on what will do harm. Best of luck!… Read the rest

Richard Dawkins on the Giant Tortoise’s Tale *

Feb 26th, 2005 | Filed by

Islands provide the barrier to sexual intermingling that evolution needs.… Read the rest

Beliefs Should Precede ‘Positioning’ *

Feb 25th, 2005 | Filed by

Michael Tomasky: Democrats just don’t talk about fundamental ideas enough.… Read the rest

Todd Gitlin on Permission to Speak Freely *

Feb 25th, 2005 | Filed by

Conformity is self-fulfilling, lending itself to enshrinement of the smug and the narrow.… Read the rest

Use Bottled Water in the Bird-bath *

Feb 24th, 2005 | Filed by

Shampoo the teddy-bear, dodge the asteroid, take holistic arboreal medicine.… Read the rest

Ted Honderich on Infuriating Both Sides *

Feb 24th, 2005 | Filed by

You can infuriate both sides and be wrong; but independence of mind is anathema to some on any side.… Read the rest

Harry Frankfurt Talks to the Boston Globe *

Feb 24th, 2005 | Filed by

On the difference between lies and bullshit, and whether there is more of the latter.… Read the rest

‘Christian Voice’ Ought to Shut Up *

Feb 24th, 2005 | Filed by

Tells cancer charity not to accept donation from ‘Jerry Springer – The Opera’ – and charity obeys.… Read the rest

‘More Than a Stretch’

Feb 24th, 2005 | By Graham Larkin

The first casualty of David Horowitz’s effort to impose ideological “diversity” on American campuses has been the truth. Horowitz initially supported his proposal for an Academic Bill of Rights (ABOR) with “independent” studies pointing to a vast predominance of “leftists” on American campuses. As I pointed out last September, neither of the studies in question seems to be independent of Horowitz’s own Center for the Study of Popular Culture. (Nor does the help of the notoriously mendacious Frank Luntz serve as any guarantee of credibility.) In a subsequent exchange with me, Horowitz underwent breathtaking contortions in an effort to back out of bogus claims he had made in support of his ABOR campaign. For instance, in order to deny … Read the rest


Feb 23rd, 2005 8:20 pm | By

It’s always interesting, unsettling, and difficult to try to figure out if we can ground our moral and political commitments. I read a sentence about James Fitzjames Stephen’s criticism of Mill’s On the Subjection of Women this morning that caught my attention – ‘His [Stephen’s] own position was that equality was like liberty: it was not an absolute good but sometimes good and sometimes not.’ Not that that’s a startling idea, of course. It’s not a news flash that equality has not always been thought an absolute good or even a good at all, and that for instance the famous phrase in the Declaration of Independence struck most contemporary observers as downright absurd rather than self-evident. And Leslie Stephen’s brother … Read the rest

Occultism and Pseudoscience in Russia *

Feb 23rd, 2005 | Filed by

New freedom of press often turns into poisonous propaganda of pseudoscience. … Read the rest

More Than a Stretch *

Feb 23rd, 2005 | Filed by

Todd Gitlin and Michael Bérubé say they didn’t say what Horowitz says they said.… Read the rest

Economists’ Rational-actor Model Self-fulfilling *

Feb 23rd, 2005 | Filed by

Repeated exposure to self-interest model makes selfish behavior more likely.… Read the rest

The ‘Hype’ of Holocaust Commemoration? *

Feb 23rd, 2005 | Filed by

French stand-up comic tries to justify his remarks; vandals daub swastikas on Muslim and Jewish sites.… Read the rest


Feb 22nd, 2005 11:45 pm | By

And then there’s Nick Cohen on Ken Livingstone and his loyalty to another example of religious wisdom, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

The useful label ‘the pseudo-left’ has been knocking around the internet political blogs since 11 September, and it is high time it was brought into the mainstream media. It’s a shorthand description of the spectacle of left moving to the right, often to the far-right, and embracing obscurantists, theocrats and, in the case of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and its Baathist ‘insurgents’, classic fascists…All that the left has opposed since the Enlightenment become acceptable, as long as the obscurantists, theocrats and fascists are anti-Americans and as long as their victims aren’t Western liberals.

Which is intensely depressing, because their victims are … Read the rest

When Fariba Met Habib

Feb 22nd, 2005 9:26 pm | By

And speaking of religion and the religiously-inclined and the contortions they can make to save the phenomena…There is this CBC documentary about two Iranian women who survive via prostitution. Homa Arjomand sent me the link. Homa gets busier all the time, with media and speaking engagements. Let’s hope there will soon be more and more women sharing the workload.

For over a year, director Nahid Persson filmed the everyday lives of two young female prostitutes as they eked out a living in a country where the profession is banned. The filmmaker often took great risks to follow Minna and Fariba as they sought out customers-men who would often marry them briefly, so as not to violate the laws of the

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Skeptical Canon

Feb 22nd, 2005 8:23 pm | By

Here’s a funny one. Hilarious, in fact.

Even within the Church of England, the idea of possession raises eyebrows. “The number of metaphysical assumptions it makes is quite incredible. It means there are such things as non-human evil spirits that can take possession of a human being and require to be told to go somewhere else by a greater power,” says Canon Michael Perry, who holds a doctorate in deliverance and edits the Christian Parapsychologist.

“Some Christians believe it happens frequently – they see demons under every rug and will perform exorcisms at the drop of a hat. My view is possession is very rare.”

You have to admit. That’s not bad. ‘The number of metaphysical assumptions it makes … Read the rest

Exorcism on Channel 4 *

Feb 22nd, 2005 | Filed by

Canon with PhD in deliverance bemoans large number of metaphysical assumptions, urges fewer.… Read the rest

Prostitution Behind the Veil *

Feb 22nd, 2005 | Filed by

CBC documentary by Iranian exile on the misery of women in Iran.… Read the rest

Wittgenstein’s Other Book *

Feb 22nd, 2005 | Filed by

‘The improvement of spelling was astonishing. The orthographic conscience had been awakened.’… Read the rest