AI to Iran: Stop Executions by Stoning *

Feb 4th, 2008 | Filed by

Iran’s Penal Code dictates that the stones must be big enough to hurt and small enough to kill slowly.… Read the rest

Iran: Sisters Face Stoning for ‘Adultery’ *

Feb 4th, 2008 | Filed by

Husband of one sister presented video showing them in the company of other men while he was away. … Read the rest

A qualitative difference

Feb 4th, 2008 1:36 am | By

Irritated readers of Talking Philosophy are emailing me to scold me about the removed post on debating David Irving, so just to make things clear: I have nothing to do with TP, I can’t post there, I have no access to the equipment, I don’t make decisions; it’s nothing to do with me. I didn’t take the post down. I work for the magazine, but I have no connection with the blog.

The deniers have the post here.)

I went to the central library today (Sunday) to get Deborah Lipstadt’s Denying the Holocaust and Richard Evans’s Lying About Hitler. Lipstadt says something very apposite to Julian’s question (‘Should I debate a Holocaust denier?) on page 26.


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Normblog on Reasons for not Debating *

Feb 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

Falsehoods about the Holocaust can be combated in both speech and writing without any need to speak face to face.… Read the rest

Study Alleges ‘Honour’ Killings Conspiracy *

Feb 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

Informal networks of taxi drivers, councillors, and cops track down and return women who try to escape.… Read the rest

Deafening Silence From the Government *

Feb 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

The brutal coercion of women has been aided and abetted by Government policy.… Read the rest

Teenager’s In-laws Invited Men to Rape Her *

Feb 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

Girl’s ‘marriage’ was not recognised by the Home Office but was approved by the Islamic Sharia Council.… Read the rest

Some Cops Block Crackdown on ‘Honour’ Killing *

Feb 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

Victims who seek help are being tracked down by a network of Asian men working in social services.… Read the rest

A Clever New Wheeze *

Feb 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

Explosives strapped to two women with Down’s syndrome were remotely detonated in crowded pet markets.… Read the rest

Don’t encourage it

Feb 2nd, 2008 4:53 pm | By

Oh, lordy, lordy, lordy, children – I’ve spent too much of today arguing with a ‘Holocaust denier,’ or perhaps just a brainless troll pretending to be a Holocaust denier. I knew I shouldn’t, I knew it was as futile an enterprise as cooking rice one grain at a time or shoveling snow with a teaspoon, but I couldn’t stop myself. The troll kept answering and answering and answering, and I just couldn’t leave it alone. I’m such a fool!

But, I don’t know, perhaps it was inevitable. It kept saying ‘there’s no evidence’ so how could I not go fetch some evidence to show it that there is? It would be expecting too much. Or maybe it wouldn’t, but anyway, … Read the rest

Debating Holocaust Denial and David Irving *

Feb 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

Mention one or both and out come the deniers.… Read the rest

Brandeis Faculty Senate Expressed Concern *

Feb 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

The dispute has turned into a showdown over autonomy, academic freedom and governance procedures.… Read the rest

This University Is Named Brandeis, Remember? *

Feb 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

Brandeis University is named for Justice Louis Brandeis, who was famed for his defense of free speech.… Read the rest

Brandeis Professor Describes Racial Epithet *

Feb 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

Student complains, administration orders sensitivity training, professor refuses.… Read the rest

Scientists Duke it Out With Catholic Church *

Feb 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

Science Media Centre says Catholic Bishops’ statement on hybrids ‘is a radical violation of the truth.’… Read the rest

Colin McGinn on Point of Inquiry *

Feb 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

McGinn explores skepticism and concerns about radical fallibilism and post-modern critiques of knowledge.… Read the rest

What am I missing here…

Feb 2nd, 2008 11:52 am | By

Did you read this article at Dissent by Nadia Urbinati? I find it a little baffling…because she’s a professor of political theory at Columbia, but the article seems to me to be just startlingly bad. It reminds me of several I read the other day at Comment is Free. It goes like this: first a lot of straw man stuff, then a lot of pointing out the obvious, then mixing the straw man stuff with the obvious stuff, then it winds up with a resounding contradiction.

Am I missing something?

(Probably not, actually, because Michael Walzer in his reply says much the same thing except far more politely, but then Urbinati is a friend of his.)

[O]n the one

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The pope sets us straight

Feb 1st, 2008 4:24 pm | By

Now it’s the pope’s turn to tell us what’s what. He met with some ‘academics’ at the Vatican and told them “that science is not capable of fully understanding the mystery of human beings.” No doubt implying that the Vatican by contrast is.

[It is important not to ignore anthropological, philosophical and theological research, which highlight and maintain the mystery of human beings, because no science can say who they are, where they come from and where they go.

Theological research? Into…what? And what does it tell us about the mystery of human beings? Well, other than the fact that they believe in peculiar and usually nasty gods.

Man, said the Pope is “characterized by his otherness. He is a

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Feb 1st, 2008 4:09 pm | By

Another thing about the archbishop. He suggests, you remember, that we should ‘exercise a little imagination’ about the Muslims in West Yorkshire who were angry about Salman Rushdie’s book – who “know only that one of their most overpoweringly significant sources of identity is being held up to public scorn.” Well I think it’s the archbishop who needs to exercise some imagination here, or perhaps rather some rational thought along with some knowledge. He phrases that as if all West Yorks Muslims or at least West Yorks Muslims in general knew only that, but in fact 1) he doesn’t know that and 2) in fact it isn’t true, because the anger was political: it was Islamist anger, not Muslim … Read the rest

Daniel Dennett on Blasphemy and Kambakhsh *

Feb 1st, 2008 | Filed by

Blasphemy is not a capital crime in any society worthy of respect.… Read the rest