Catholic MPs to Rebel Over Embryo Bill *

Mar 11th, 2008 | Filed by

Cite their religious beliefs.… Read the rest

Jesus and Mo Discuss Vatican’s New Sins *

Mar 11th, 2008 | Filed by

Listen, paedophilia was cool in those days.… Read the rest

On the Media on Libel Tourism *

Mar 11th, 2008 | Filed by

UK libel law gets books withdrawn at the mere threat of a suit.… Read the rest

Let’s Just Ban Everything Offensive! *

Mar 11th, 2008 | Filed by

Think of all the time we could save.… Read the rest

BBC Raises Eyebrow at ‘Anti-Islam Film’ *

Mar 11th, 2008 | Filed by

Points censoriously at Kurt Westergaard for dissing ‘Islam’s holiest prophet.’… Read the rest

Nicolaus Mills on Samantha Power *

Mar 11th, 2008 | Filed by

Genocide is alive and well in the world—but of secondary interest to the nations that might actually stop it.… Read the rest

Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus *

Mar 11th, 2008 | Filed by

Jesus’ disciples were convinced they had seen the resurrected Jesus. That’s the evidence.… Read the rest

Antony Flew at Westminster Chapel *

Mar 11th, 2008 | Filed by

Flew will join Bishop of Durham in ‘giving evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.’… Read the rest

The BBC’s holiest prophet

Mar 11th, 2008 11:47 am | By

Does the BBC call in someone from the MCB to write some of its news articles, or what?

The Danish cartoonist behind drawings satirising the Prophet Muhammad has urged a Dutch lawmaker to air an anti-Islam film despite Muslim outrage…Mr Westergaard’s cartoons in a Danish paper triggered riots by Muslims in many countries in 2006.

Where to begin? Kurt Westergaard wasn’t ‘behind’ all the Motoons; he drew one of them, that’s all. And there’s the unqualifed censoriousness of ‘anti-Islam film’ – the silent but obtrusive assumption that Islam should be immune from opposition. And then the usual, indeed obligatory, distortion in which the cartoons ‘triggered riots’ as if the cartoons were to blame, along with the repetition of the claim … Read the rest

So long, and thanks for all the

Mar 10th, 2008 6:21 pm | By

Christian Jago (potentilla) died this morning. I’ve been missing her steadily since she got too ill to talk with us any more. Her brisk clarity and bluntness were a regular tonic (as the saying goes). Jean has a post at Talking Philosophy with several quotes. Here’s one that I found over here. (The database has 139, which seems like a kind of wealth.)

Connections between Rod Liddle’s opinions and logically defensible positions are largely random, IMHO. So saying he got this one right is very charitable of you, Ophelia! As TG points out above, he is a kind of auto-contrarian. (Also a churchgoer, if that’s relevant).

And here’s another…which is very apt. I did an uncharacteristic (soppy) post when Hansa, Read the rest

Ugly work

Mar 10th, 2008 12:38 pm | By

The Vatican is a nasty piece of work. Let’s not ever lose sight of that fact.

A senior member of the Vatican has drawn up a new list of mortal sins…Along with drug use and social injustice he listed genetic manipulation and experiments on humans.

First of all, how does he know? How do they know? How does anyone know? Do they have a private phone line to the deity so that they can get updates on what sins are mortal and what are venial? Who the hell are they to decide which ‘sins’ are relatively minor and which ones deserve eternal torture by way of punishment? But second, what hateful sadistic shits they are, threatening people with eternal … Read the rest

Vatican Increases the Stakes *

Mar 10th, 2008 | Filed by

Makes certain kinds of research mortal rather than venial sin. Why mess around? … Read the rest

Brain Enhancement – Useful or a Cheat? *

Mar 10th, 2008 | Filed by

What if your boss tells you to take speed?… Read the rest

Vatican Consigns More People to Hell *

Mar 10th, 2008 | Filed by

Adds seven new ‘mortal sins,’ for which hell is the punishment; scientific research among the seven.… Read the rest

R Joseph Hoffmann on Letting Go of Jesus *

Mar 10th, 2008 | Filed by

The failure not to believe in miracles has had consequences that are not merely theological or philosophical.… Read the rest

Grayling on Smolin on Physics *

Mar 10th, 2008 | Filed by

It is the fact that string theory makes no testable predictions that gives Smolin his greatest concern.… Read the rest

Ibn Warraq on Islamic Reformation *

Mar 10th, 2008 | Filed by

Liberal reformists cannot escape the fact that Orthodox Islam is incompatible with human rights.… Read the rest

What is liberty of conscience?

Mar 9th, 2008 4:40 pm | By

I have a question for you, basically about terminology. Here is a quoted passage, which I have never understood.

Should religious organizations and their members be treated as unequal under the law for certain purposes connected with gender? US constitutional law has standardly granted special latitude to religion, by contrast with other forms of commitment and affiliation. Religious reasons for exemption from military service, or for refusing to work on a particular day, are granted a latitude that is not granted to other forms of conscientious commitment, such as the familial or the artistic or even the ethical. This remains controversial for the way it appears to privilege religion over nonreligion and thus, it might seem, to violate the Establishment

Read the rest

American Psychological Association and Torture *

Mar 9th, 2008 | Filed by

APA ignored evidence that psychologists designed and provided training for ‘enhanced’ interrogation.… Read the rest

Fundamentalist State School ‘Worst in London’ *

Mar 9th, 2008 | Filed by

First non-Anglican non-Catholic ‘faith’ school to get state funding is in meltdown.… Read the rest