Grayling on Freedom Without Borders *

Dec 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

There are few major states in the world that are guiltless of subjecting some people to torture or degrading treatment.… Read the rest

How the UDHR Builds a Base of Liberty *

Dec 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

The intention is to assert, as the default position, a status of inviolability for the human individual.… Read the rest

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights *

Dec 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

A C Grayling notes that the UDHR has already made a real difference to our world.… Read the rest

Pilger Looks Down on Obama From Great Height *

Dec 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

‘The American elite has grown adept at using the black middle and management class.’… Read the rest

The Racist Flipside of Anti-imperialism *

Dec 3rd, 2008 | Filed by

Sunny Hundal says for John Pilger to call Obama an ‘Uncle Tom’ betrays an ugly contempt for those who refuse his revolutionary romanticism.… Read the rest

Letters for December, 2008

Dec 3rd, 2008 | By

Letters for December, 2008.… Read the rest

The Vatican lives up to itself

Dec 2nd, 2008 5:00 pm | By

Good old Vatican – it makes sure we won’t relax our guard and start thinking they’re a nice bunch of fellas there. It makes sure to keep reminding us that no, they’re a nasty bigoted punitive set of dogmatists who insist on their obligation to mistreat people for no good reason.

The Vatican has said it opposes a European Union proposal for a United Nations declaration formally condemning discrimination against homosexuals, which it claims would “de-criminalise” same sex unions.

So apparently it thinks same sex unions are and should remain crimes. That’s nice. Of course, if priests fiddle with children, that should be protected and kept secret, but if gay adults want to pair off, oh my no, that must … Read the rest

Ed Husain on Resisting Extremism *

Dec 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

A group dedicated to creating an Islamist dictatorship meets every weekend in Regent’s Park mosque.… Read the rest

Adam Kirsch on Slavoj Zizek *

Dec 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

It might be worthwhile to consider Zizek’s work as if he means it – to ask what his ideas really are, and what sort of effects they are likely to have.… Read the rest

Vatican Thanks Muslims for Restoring God *

Dec 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

‘Muslims were the ones who demanded space for God in society.’ Thanks ever so.… Read the rest

A C Grayling on ‘Innate’ Religion *

Dec 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

Templeton Foundation funding research into claim that children are hardwired to believe in a ‘supreme being.’… Read the rest

Vatican in Favour of Discrimination *

Dec 2nd, 2008 | Filed by

Vat opposes EU proposal for UN declaration formally condemning discrimination against homosexuals.… Read the rest

Johann Hari Talks to Ayaan Hirsi Ali *

Dec 1st, 2008 | Filed by

She has no time for what she sees as the ignorant, woolly Islam-is-peace message of Western liberals.… Read the rest

Johann Hari on Hip-hop Homophobia *

Dec 1st, 2008 | Filed by

A lot of stars are enraged closet-cases.… Read the rest

Cincinnati Zoo Teams With Creationist Museum *

Dec 1st, 2008 | Filed by

PZ Myers urges everyone to contact the zoo; write to their education, marketing and PR departments.… Read the rest

Nicholas Kristof on Acid Attacks on Women *

Dec 1st, 2008 | Filed by

Acid attacks are commonly used to terrorize and subjugate women and girls in a swath of Asia.… Read the rest

Voices of Disbelief Off to the Publishers *

Dec 1st, 2008 | Filed by

Essays from 52 atheists including Baggini, Clark, Dacey, Grayling, Namazie, Edis, Law, Randi, Singer, Tatchell, Stenger.… Read the rest

Access of evil

Dec 1st, 2008 1:14 am | By

What a foul ruthless disgusting privileged shameless contemptible bastard George Bush is. Not that this is a news flash…but new instances of it can still cause the jaw to drop with revulsion and loathing.

The Labor Department is racing to complete a new rule, strenuously opposed by President-elect Barack Obama, that would make it much harder for the government to regulate toxic substances and hazardous chemicals to which workers are exposed on the job. The rule, which has strong support from business groups, says that in assessing the risk from a particular substance, federal agencies should gather and analyze “industry-by-industry evidence” of employees’ exposure to it during their working lives. The proposal would, in many cases, add a step

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Ways of knowing

Dec 1st, 2008 1:00 am | By

I trust you read Tom Clark’s terrific article on epistemology. I’m going to comment on just one section, ‘Misplaced concessions to non-empiricism.’

Most organizations in the U.S. that champion science take the politically safe route of conceding a certain respect to their biggest epistemic competition, traditional faith-based institutional religions such as Christianity. A popular rationale for such respect is that science and religion don’t conflict since science can’t evaluate religious claims about the supernatural; it’s only concerned with the natural, material world. This suggests that religions have epistemic authority when it comes to the supernatural.

Indeed it does, and, annoyingly and unhelpfully (not to say harmfully), it does it without actually explicitly saying it. As Tom says, it suggests … Read the rest