Malta: referendum on divorce causes acrimonious split *

May 28th, 2011 | Filed by

Malta is the only country – apart from the Philippines and the Vatican City – where divorce cannot be carried out.… Read the rest

Scientists to go on trial for not predicting quake *

May 27th, 2011 | Filed by

7 scientists will be tried for manslaughter because they didn’t do the impossible and predict the quake in L’Aquila.… Read the rest

We just want them to look feminine

May 27th, 2011 3:47 pm | By

The badminton people are still tussling about that “women have to wear skirts” rule that the genius marketing people came up with. There are some crazy-radical voices pointing out that this is sexist.

To create a more “attractive presentation,” the Badminton World Federation has decreed that women must wear skirts or dresses to play at the elite level, beginning Wednesday. Many now compete in shorts or tracksuit pants. The dress code would make female players appear more feminine and appealing to fans and corporate sponsors, officials said.

Women wear more revealing outfits than men in a number of Olympic sports like gymnastics, track and field, volleyball and beach volleyball.

Badminton’s world governing body now finds itself on

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Salem has an overload of psychics *

May 27th, 2011 | Filed by

Many of them are actually untrained. The horror.… Read the rest

Egypt: girls and women forcibly “converted”

May 27th, 2011 | Filed by

There have also been consistent reports of girls being coerced into Islamic conversion and marriage in India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.… Read the rest

Violence against women in Turkey *

May 27th, 2011 | Filed by

There’s a lot of it. Cops shrug. The AKP embraces religious values, which are all about controlling women.… Read the rest

Pastoral care of the victims

May 27th, 2011 11:31 am | By

There’s this guy Scott Stephens, who is the editor of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s “Religion and Ethics.” Just like the BBC and the Washington Post, the ABC stupidly puts religion and ethics together as if they were a natural pairing, thus implying that ethics is inherently religious in some way and that religion has something, or perhaps everything, to contribute to ethics. That’s all crap. They’re two very different things and it’s not a time and labor-saving device to combine them, it’s a brainless travesty and confusion.

An unpleasant side effect is that you can’t trust the ABC (or the BBC or the WP) to discuss ethics independently of religion.

This Scott Stephens is furious that journalism hasn’t fallen face-down … Read the rest

How dare the media dismiss the bishops’ report? *

May 27th, 2011 | Filed by

The “Religion and Ethics Editor” for the ABC gives an extended yell of rage at the lack of deference to the Catholic church.… Read the rest

Katha Pollitt to France: we are so over *

May 27th, 2011 | Filed by

You should listen to yourself sometime: smug, paunchy, powerful middle-aged men going on about how DSK was just engaging in some typically Gallic flirtation.… Read the rest

Sean Carroll on the physics of the immortal soul *

May 27th, 2011 | Filed by

If you claim that some form of soul persists beyond death, what particles is that soul made of? How does it interact with ordinary matter?… Read the rest

A system designed to maim women into submission

May 26th, 2011 | By Lauryn Oates

Last year, at a women’s community centre in Kabul I met Hamida.* A Herati, she was staying with relatives in the teeming capital, after her husband left her destitute when he left to go work in Iran, where she suspected he maintained another family. She had been married to him for seven years before divorcing him three years ago. In her married life, she had experienced extraordinary abuse at the hands of both her husband and her in-laws, with whom she lived. After making the courageous decision to leave her husband, she tried to return to her father’s household but was turned away, hence the reason she was boarding with an aunt and an uncle in Kabul, far away from … Read the rest

A Miracle in Petrignano *

May 26th, 2011 | Filed by

A luminous figure showed up on a cell phone. It’s Mary! The miracle would be if it were Loki.… Read the rest

I never can resist

May 26th, 2011 3:57 pm | By

God it’s a gorgeous afternoon. Bright and clear so that all the new leaves and flowers all but hit you in the face with saturated color.

Somebody did a little parody letter/award to Chris Stedman, the point of which is that gnu atheists are picking on him. Wayull, after that hatchet-job by Karla McLaren on his blog, is it any wonder? If you post stuff saying gnu atheists are violent bullies, gnu atheists may react. Them’s the breaks.

To thank you, we’d like to give you the Watch Yourself award. With this award, every socially responsible cause you, your immediate family, or anyone you tag or like on Facebook or Twitter, gets involved in will be appropriated as a

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Ian McKellen sends message of support to Gay Russia *

May 26th, 2011 | Filed by

And unsupport to the Mayor of Moscow.… Read the rest

Birth control is difficult in Nigeria *

May 26th, 2011 | Filed by

Some people told the BBC that God decides how many children they have and so it would be wrong to try to limit the number of births.… Read the rest

Moscow authorities ban Gay Pride event *

May 26th, 2011 | Filed by

Amnesty International is calling on the Moscow authorities to overturn their ban on the city’s gay pride event, which had been set to take place on 28 May.… Read the rest

The stealth assault on abortion rights *

May 26th, 2011 | Filed by

The flourishing of these church-based pregnancy counselling centres fits almost too neatly into the “big society” agenda.… Read the rest

Tories whittling away women’s rights *

May 26th, 2011 | Filed by

These attacks are often dressed up in the language of compassion and hand-wringing arguments that women’s choices need to be confiscated for their own protection.… Read the rest

Johann Hari’s podcast *

May 25th, 2011 | Filed by

He takes on the Pope – and argues with Ann Atkins, the hardline Christian, about why violence against gay people is rising again.… Read the rest

I see Spain, I see France

May 25th, 2011 4:32 pm | By

It’s extraordinary what the Telegraph considers news.

Michelle Obama fights to control summer dress in windy London


What next? Michelle Obama eats a cress sandwich? Michelle Obama moves her head from left to right? Michelle Obama blinks?

Well let’s not hastily accuse the Telegraph of triviality. Of course the story was newsworthy, for the very pressing reason that if Michelle Obama had lost the fight with her dress, the Telegraph would have been able to look up her skirt. Obviously that’s a significant news item in anybody’s book. Granted, it didn’t happen, but even the unrealized potential is newsworthy. In fact why not just skip the risks attendant on the weather and ask her to pull up … Read the rest