Israel’s secular liberals fight back *

Aug 3rd, 2011 | Filed by

Because of the failure of the Oslo peace process, it no longer had a way to defend liberal values and to demand accountability from government.… Read the rest

This week on Project Runway god makes it work

Aug 3rd, 2011 10:52 am | By

A Christian midwife is suing a hospital for making her wear trousers in the operating theatre…She cites a command in the Book of Deuteronomy that people should not wear clothing meant for the other gender.

Yes but even if you think that’s an acceptable reason for someone to refuse to follow a job requirement (and why would you think that?), what makes Hannah Adewole so sure that trousers have always been boy-clothing and skirts have always been girl-clothing? What makes anyone sure what clothing was “meant” for “the other gender”?

Nothing; it’s just that people associate the most prissy option in any particular situation with “what god has always meant” and pitch fits accordingly, by way of letting everyone know … Read the rest

Christian midwife sues over hospital dress rules *

Aug 3rd, 2011 | Filed by

She refuses to wear scrub trousers because the bible says women can’t wear “men’s clothing.”… Read the rest

The Vatican reaches out

Aug 2nd, 2011 2:49 pm | By

Well good. Good good good. The Vatican is tired of being the eternal victim and is finally standing up for itself. What a relief – I’m so sick of watching people ride roughshod over it.

The papal nuncio is set to deliver a strong response to the Cloyne Report before the end of August, rebuffing the Taoiseach’s accusation the Vatican undermined child protection guidelines…

The Vatican has been exasperated by reports claiming Archbishop Leanza was being moved to Prague in the Czech Republic as a mark of his disfavour with his superiors in Rome.

I should think so! Poor Vatican, being talked about behind its back in that shameful way. If there’s anything the Vatican hates it’s gossip.


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Ireland: cardinal tells sport bosses what to do *

Aug 2nd, 2011 | Filed by

Sean Brady has asked GAA clubs to stop scheduling games at the same time as Sunday morning Mass.… Read the rest

Review of BBC coverage of science *

Aug 2nd, 2011 | Filed by

In 2010 the BBC Trust launched a review of the impartiality and accuracy of BBC science coverage. Here it is.… Read the rest

Polly Toynbee on Tea Party thinking in Britain *

Aug 2nd, 2011 | Filed by

A taste of the Tea Party arrives on these shores in the peculiar paranoia of the climate-change deniers.… Read the rest

Nick Cohen on Britain as the capital of hate-talk *

Aug 2nd, 2011 | Filed by

Both right and left are attracted to “transgressive” ideas and people. They’re playing with fire.… Read the rest

Mexico: gay ministry under Vatican “scrutiny” *

Aug 2nd, 2011 | Filed by

Bishop is trying to make gays feel welcome. Well we can’t have that.… Read the rest

Vatican to issue “strong response” to Ireland *

Aug 2nd, 2011 | Filed by

In its response, the Vatican will point out that it is the victim here, and the Irish government has a hell of a nerve.… Read the rest

Afghanistan: “militants” hang a child of 8 *

Aug 1st, 2011 | Filed by

His father, a police officer, had refused to give them a vehicle.… Read the rest

Mina Ahadi and Maryam Namazie to Ayaan Hirsi Ali *

Aug 1st, 2011 | Filed by

With the advent of the Arab Spring, multiculturalism and cultural relativism are dead. This is an important strike against Islamism.… Read the rest

Resist the far-Right in all its versions *

Aug 1st, 2011 | Filed by

Maryam Namazie points out that Islamism and the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim European far-Right amount to the same thing.… Read the rest

Student, age 11, challenges fundamentalist *

Aug 1st, 2011 | Filed by

Defends secular ethics classes in public schools. Well done, Charlie Fine.… Read the rest

Egypt: Islamists take over demonstrations *

Aug 1st, 2011 | Filed by

Speakers at the Salafist rally egged on young bearded men to continue jihad and described them as “God’s army to implement God’s will on earth.”… Read the rest