The psyche speaks in metaphors

Aug 1st, 2022 3:20 am | By

Kathleen Stock points out a drastic conflict at the Tavistock GIDS between storytelling and actual real world drugs and surgeries.

A crucial yet underappreciated part of the story is the clinic’s strong emphasis on psychoanalysis and psychodynamic approaches to mental health. The founder of the Tavistock, Hugh Crichton-Miller, was explicitly influenced by Freud and Jung. And when Domenico Di Ceglie founded the Gender Identity Service for children in 1989, later commissioned nationally as the only English NHS provider, he too was heavily influenced by psychoanalytic methods.

And the thing about those is, they’re much closer to the storytelling end of the spectrum than they are to the medical end.

In a 2018 article describing his process, Di Ceglie quotes

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