Continue to celebrate

The Guardian exclaims

Women’s Institute will ‘continue to celebrate’ transgender women amid inclusivity row

Women’s Institute will continue to celebrate men as women object to letting men join the Women’s Institute on account of how they’re not women.

Women’s Institute will continue to celebrate men as women object to being told, even by institutions that are specifically and explicitly for women, that we must be “inclusive” of men in everything that’s ours, even in things that actually say “Women” on the door or label or title.

Women’s Institute will continue to celebrate men while women struggle furiously to keep what’s ours.

Women’s Institute will continue to gloat about celebrating men and to sneer at women for objecting to this campaign to give everything that belongs to women to the set of people who are not women.

Women’s Institute will continue to sneer at women and celebrate women while still calling itself the Women’s Institute.

And that’s just the headline…

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