Don has to shut up again

The gag order on Trump is back.

An appeals court on Thursday reinstated a narrow gag order on Donald J. Trump that bars him from attacking court staff in his civil fraud trial in New York. The former president has already violated the order twice, incurring a total of $15,000 in fines.

The order was first put in place by the trial judge, Arthur F. Engoron, in early October, after Mr. Trump attacked the judge’s law clerk on social media…

With their client barred from attacking Ms. Greenfield, Mr. Trump’s lawyers continued to take issue with her prominence…

Eventually, Justice Engoron placed a gag order on the lawyers as well, prohibiting them from commenting on his conferences and written exchanges with Ms. Greenfield.

The lawyers appealed, and another judge, David Friedman, halted both gag orders, giving Mr. Trump free rein to attack Ms. Greenfield, who, like the judge, is a Democrat. He did so, frequently insulting her on social media as partisan. As recently as Wednesday, he called her “disturbed and angry.”

Unlike the extremely placid and mellow Donald Trump.

On Thursday, a panel of appeals court judges put the orders back in place in a written order. Shortly after that decision, Justice Engoron alerted Mr. Trump’s lawyers in open court.

It’s all so disgusting and shaming, watching this horrendous sadistic vulgarian acting out his sadistic vulgarity in public.

Lawyers for the court system had fought to have the gag orders reinstated. In an affidavit, a courts employee, Charles Hollon, who handles security for judges and their staff, said that after Mr. Trump’s initial attack on Ms. Greenfield, she began to receive serious and credible threats and disparaging comments, many of which were antisemitic.

I bet they were also extremely sexist.

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