All entries by this author

Fox News Runs Wrong Video of ‘Crowds’ *

Nov 19th, 2009 | Filed by

Ran video supposed to be Palin drawing crowds now, but was from 2008. Naughty.… Read the rest

Yes but what was he doing?

Nov 19th, 2009 11:35 am | By

What are we talking about here?

A police trainer who was sacked for believing that officers should use psychics to solve crimes is going to court to prove he was the victim of religious discrimination.

Was he sacked – is he claiming he was sacked – just for believing that? Or was he sacked for practicing it? Surely that makes an important difference – yet, oddly, the piece nowhere makes it clear which possibility is at issue.

Alan Power, who has been a member of a Spiritualist church for 30 years, argues that his belief in the power of mediums should be placed on a par with more mainstream religious and philosophical convictions…At a tribunal in London, Mr Power

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When facts are missing, just surmise

Nov 18th, 2009 1:18 pm | By

I’m reading Terry Eagleton’s Reason, Faith, and Revolution: Reflections on the God Debate. It’s a very slight book which one could read in an hour, but I’m reading it slowly because I’m taking a lot of notes, and also because it makes me sick, so I don’t like to read it for long at a stretch. I gave myself a break from it for a few days, and when I picked it up again after this break, I was struck all over again by its truly objectionable combination of rudeness and glibness and shallowness and pretension. I really hate that combination, and Terry Eagleton wears it as if it were a mink coat and he were a heedless aristocrat.… Read the rest

Somalia: Woman Stoned to Death for ‘Adultery’ *

Nov 18th, 2009 | Filed by

Was divorced, had sex, had baby, was buried up to waist and stoned until she was dead.… Read the rest

Hitchens on Nidal Malik Hasan *

Nov 18th, 2009 | Filed by

A depressive person does not have to end up screaming religious slogans while butchering people.… Read the rest

The BBC’s Approach to Religion is Skewed *

Nov 18th, 2009 | Filed by

Whatever happens in the world around it, the BBC’s protective bubble around religion remains undisturbed.… Read the rest

Wendy Grossman on Karen Armstrong *

Nov 18th, 2009 | Filed by

The truth is not always polite and compassionate.… Read the rest

Many Muslim Academics Reject Evolution *

Nov 18th, 2009 | Filed by

Other Muslim academics note that ‘We cannot allow people to go into the 21st century with no understanding of science.’… Read the rest

Taking Eaglestrong seriously

Nov 17th, 2009 4:35 pm | By

Richard Norman offers to take seriously the claims of Eagleton and Armstrong and other critics of The God Delusion in order to ‘try to do justice to the nuanced diversity of the views of the religious,’ agreeing at the outset that

Dawkins does over-simplify. Although he knows perfectly well that most Christians are not creationists, he sometimes writes as though they were, and implies that all religious belief is just obviously refuted by science and Darwin. He is inclined to treat all versions of religion as equally irrational.

He considers the relationship between religion and science first, pointing out that Dawkins is right that the claim that ‘God’ is a simpler answer to questions about why the universe exists and … Read the rest

There are communities and then there are communities

Nov 17th, 2009 12:55 pm | By

What exactly are they talking about? What do they mean by ‘communities’? It does make a difference.

We are working to help people and local organisations create strong, attractive and economically thriving communities and neighbourhoods. Our aim is to ensure that they are given all the support they need to make the best of their communities and overcome their own difficulties. These are problems like community conflict, extremism, deprivation and disadvantage.

That sounds (mostly) benign and useful. In fact it sounds like what Barack Obama used to do – and in doing realized that he wanted to change more than just local ‘communities.’ People live in (literal) communities and neighbourhoods, and it is good to help those communities and neighbourhoods … Read the rest

Mrs. Goundo’s Daughter *

Nov 17th, 2009 | Filed by

A West African mother’s fight for asylum in the U.S. to protect her baby daughter from FGM.… Read the rest

Hizb ut-Tahrir Makes Death Threats *

Nov 17th, 2009 | Filed by

Many politicians and civil servants still repeat the wrong-headed platitude that HT is non-violent.… Read the rest

Faisal Gazi on Anwar al-Aulaqi *

Nov 17th, 2009 | Filed by

Some of Aulaqi’s supporters claim he only recently became a jihadist. This is simply not correct.… Read the rest

Azerbaijan Officials Worried About Early Marriage *

Nov 17th, 2009 | Filed by

Women’s rights activists say mullahs conduct Islamic marriages when the woman is underage for a state service.… Read the rest

Background on Child Migrants in Australia *

Nov 17th, 2009 | Filed by

Most were placed in the care of Barnardos, the Church of England, and the Christian Brothers.… Read the rest

Australian PM Apologizes to ‘Child Migrants’ *

Nov 17th, 2009 | Filed by

The children were taken from single mothers and impoverished families in Britain and sent abroad.… Read the rest

Theocracy anyone?

Nov 16th, 2009 12:25 pm | By

Sometimes the level of disgustingness can still surprise and disconcert and sicken.

Faith groups are to be given a central role in shaping government policies, a senior minister has vowed. John Denham, the communities secretary, said the values of Christians, Muslims and other religions were essential in building a “progressive society”. He attacked secularists who have called for religion to be kept out of public life. Mr Denham revealed that a new panel of religious experts has been set up to advise the Government on making public policy decisions.

What is a ‘communities secretary’ and why does the UK government think it’s a good thing to have one? Why does New Labour have such a chronic frozen painful hard-on … Read the rest

AC Grayling on Denham’s ‘Faith Group’ Faith *

Nov 16th, 2009 | Filed by

What does the ‘communities secretary’ think he is going to learn from ‘faith groups’?… Read the rest

UK: Panel of Religious ‘Experts’ to Advise Govt *

Nov 16th, 2009 | Filed by

The ‘communities secretary’ says values of theists are essential in building a ‘progressive society.’… Read the rest

Johann Hari on Faith in the ‘War on Drugs’ *

Nov 16th, 2009 | Filed by

Like all faiths, it can only be maintained by cultivating a deliberate blindness to the evidence. … Read the rest