All entries by this author

Arctic ice melting fast *

Sep 7th, 2012 | Filed by

“This is not some short-lived phenomenon – this is an ongoing trend. You lose more and more ice and it is accelerating.”… Read the rest

Canada closes Iranian embassy, kicks out diplomats *

Sep 7th, 2012 | Filed by

Foreign Minister’s statement said Canada viewed Iran “as the most significant threat to global peace and security in the world today”.… Read the rest

Pakistan: bail granted in “blasphemy” case *

Sep 7th, 2012 | Filed by

Blasphemy is not a bailable offence but her lawyers pleaded that she was a juvenile.… Read the rest

Fielding and MissSpidey

Sep 7th, 2012 11:32 am | By

Neil Denny of Little Atoms pointed out to me this piece on comedians using their fans to gang up on critics yesterday.

Being a public figure on the internet means having to deal with a barrage of abuse, which has been covered on this blog before, in my podcast interviews with Jonnie Marbles and Charlie Brooker.  It’s unpleasant and unnecessary, but people quickly become emboldened by the deindividuation that occurs when their identities are withheld, given that there’s no chance of getting a punch in the hooter.  Stewart Lee’s current show, Carpet Remnant World, involves a whittled down list of the most frothingly insane online critiques he could find on internet messageboards and social networking sites.  The “40,000 words

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Everyday sexism

Sep 7th, 2012 10:49 am | By

Just a small one, and utterly routine, but then that’s just it – it’s routine.

An ad I saw on tv last night, or half saw, because I was doing something else besides – probably playing “toss the squeaky hedgehog” with Cooper. Something about a thing for guys, a thing guys like, a guy type thing. A cable channel, or service, or something like that. Anyway the “don’t you wish you could join all this fun” part was guys watching a game on tv and doing the usual sporty chatter and laughter.

Line of dialogue:

He throws like my sister!

Jolly guyish laughter.

So. Young girls exposed to that get more twigs added to the stereotype that Girls Can’t Throw … Read the rest

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Chocolate chip ice cream

Sep 7th, 2012 10:02 am | By

There’s been a fair bit of discussion of Edwin Kagin’s post on atheism+ yesterday. I haven’t read most of it though, just seen it in passing. I want to comment on a couple of things.

We are now experiencing a most divisive phenomenon where some atheists are viciously excoriating other atheists for not embracing loudly enough certain of a list of worthy causes to which they are joined.

That seems a very back-to-front way of putting it. The vicious excoriation has been coming from a coalition of haters of feminism and of feminists and, arguably, of women in general. It’s been coming from them for more than a year. It comes with (at the extremes, and there are lots … Read the rest

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Sep 6th, 2012 5:56 pm | By

Rebecca says she’s just going to do it more. I say that too, likewise.

Let’s do it more.… Read the rest

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That is some boring “story”

Sep 6th, 2012 5:07 pm | By

Ew. One of those Creepy Moments in Cyberstalking things, when you realize there’s a whole level of stalking you didn’t know about, and you’re being itted.

I hadn’t bothered to find out what Storify is. Then I saw a piquant tweet of Martin Robbins’s -

Martin Robbins@mjrobbins

40+ yesterday. When Mabus did this, skeptics were up in arms. When a deranged ‘skeptic’ targets women, silence.

So I followed the link and found myself at the Storify of [shudder] the stalker behind ElevatorGATE, who took the time to make more than 40 stories out of Twitter conversations in one day. Including one of mine. Or maybe more, I don’t know.

I should start charging a percentage.… Read the rest

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In Kurdish

Sep 6th, 2012 4:38 pm | By

I got two copies today of Does God Hate Women? translated into Kurdish. The alphabet is Arabic.

The cover is beautiful. In pale green, with a faintly William Morris look, a woman’s face with snakes for her hair, a holy book, chains, lizards, a hand with an eye in the palm…very cool.

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It’s all in your head

Sep 6th, 2012 12:30 pm | By

Misogyny? What misogyny?

I don’t know what you’re talking about! There is no misogyny!

Via Coffee Loving Skeptic on Facebook.… Read the rest

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A throwaway piece of old fashioned Australian slang

Sep 6th, 2012 9:41 am | By

An unpleasant man, who is the Executive Director of The Sydney Institute, a conservative think tank, talks some drearily familiar unpleasant crap about Jane Caro and sexist epithets and destroying the joint.

Who would have thought that a throwaway piece of old fashioned Australian slang  could, within a few days, become a matter of international interest?  But that’s  the modern world of instant communications , home to the ”IIA” syndrome.   Meaning ”insult, indignation, apology” in that order.


That’s not necessarily a bad thing. If the “throwaway piece of old fashioned slang” (of whatever nationality) is a sexist or racist or homophobic epithet, it’s not automatically a bad thing if someone kicks up a fuss about it and attention is … Read the rest

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Reporter stunned to learn that poverty makes people desperate

Sep 5th, 2012 4:50 pm | By

The BBC’s Rahul Tandon reports on a woman in India who gave her daughters away because she was too poor to give them a decent life.

Media reports in India suggested that she sold the girls for 185 rupees ($3; £2).

When I ask her if that is true, her voice rises: “I could never sell my children. I could never do such a thing. I gave them to good families where they would be well looked after.”

Purnima is now in a shelter in Bijoygunge, about 60km (37 miles) from Calcutta, and her daughters Piya (10), Supriya (eight) and Roma (four) have been reunited with her.

Even taking into account the helplessness of her situation, I find it hard

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India: woman gives away daughters *

Sep 5th, 2012 | Filed by

Reporter is incredulous to discover poverty so desperate. Where’s he been?… Read the rest

California bans therapy aimed at ‘curing’ homosexuality

Sep 5th, 2012 | Filed by

The bill to prohibit children and teenagers from undergoing conversion therapy
was passed by a vote of 51 to 21.… Read the rest

Divorce and sharia *

Sep 5th, 2012 | Filed by

The husband says a second wife is allowed under sharia.… Read the rest

Hindu protests over McDonald’s near holy sites *

Sep 5th, 2012 | Filed by

Big Macs v sacred cows.… Read the rest

Reverse trolling

Sep 5th, 2012 12:02 pm | By

The stats have been showing a lot of hits via New Matilda for the past three days, and via a comment rather than the post. New Matilda must be big.

Anyway, the post is by Jane Caro, and it’s about the waves kicked up by her piece on “the wave of misogynistic remarks recently” (gosh, why does that sound so familiar?) and her tweet inviting suggestions for “new ways of ‘destroying the joint” being a woman & all.’

I had no idea whether I’d get any takers, but it took off like wildfire. Surgeon Jill Tomlinson added the hashtag #destroyingthejoint and a twitter phenomenon was created.

The tweets from both men and women were mostly hilarious, some borderline obscene

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Tunisia: Salafists raid hotel bar for serving alcohol *

Sep 5th, 2012 | Filed by

Dozens of thugs smashed bottles and chased away customers at the Horchani
hotel, news agencies reported.… Read the rest

Receiving a daily flood of hatred

Sep 5th, 2012 9:27 am | By

Bullying works. Systematic relentless daily bullying can break people and make them give up. Jen is sick of it, so they have succeeded in silencing her for the time being. She’s getting out.

I love writing, I love sharing my ideas, and I love listening to the ideas of my readers. But I simply no longer love blogging. Instead of feeling gleeful anticipation when writing up a post, I feel nothing but dread. There’s a group of people out there (google the ironic term FtBullies to find them) devoted to hating me, my friends, and even people I’m just vaguely associated with. I can no longer write anything without my words getting twisted, misrepresented, and quotemined. I wake up

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Cooper is in a dark place

Sep 4th, 2012 6:28 pm | By

You know Cooper? The dog I live with now and then?

He went swimming in Vancouver with his real humans ten days ago and sliced open a paw, and had to get stitches and a bandage. I took him to the vet hospital for the second bandage change this afternoon and they told me there was a “buildup of oil” because of the confinement of the bandage, so he has to be on zero activity for two weeks and he has to wear the cone. I wanted to rip my own head off on getting that news.

So we came home, and I picked up the dreaded plastic cone where it was sitting waiting, and tried to put it … Read the rest

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