All entries by this author

Frank Schaeffer on right-wing “discipline” guides *

Nov 16th, 2011 | Filed by

Some of the most respected evangelical discipline gurus have not just made beating children “respectable” in conservative religious circles, but even turned it into a godly activity.… Read the rest

Glory in store

Nov 16th, 2011 1:09 pm | By

Enough of this frivolity; back into the theocratic trenches. Back to the anti-feminist “Biblical” reactionaries. It’s time to wade into The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.

There is One Woman’s Wrestling Match with Submission, Part IV. Yes, part 4 – we want to be thorough about our wrestling matches with submission (provided, of course, we end up by submitting).

Christ’s purpose and joy was to glorify his Father, and he did this by submitting to him, thus elevating submission and the role of a servant for all time.   The Holy Spirit, for his part, was to glorify Christ.  If God gives me, as a woman, a task, that is the place and position from which he wants

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UK private colleges: religion and alt med most popular *

Nov 16th, 2011 | Filed by

David Colquhoun is unimpressed with the growth in “quack” courses.… Read the rest

Religious exemption dropped from anti-bullying bill *

Nov 16th, 2011 | Filed by

A Republican state senator inserted a carve-out for a “sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction” in the Senate version of the bill.… Read the rest


Nov 16th, 2011 8:30 am | By

Someone is mean on the internet. No really?!

Yes but sometimes it is worth noting. When it’s part of an extended misogynist group-rant is one time; when it’s an ostensibly rational person going off the charts for months on end is another; when it’s a matter of singling out a few women is another.

What is it this time? Some guy called Ed Clint did a snide Facebook post about feminists always thinking people are telling them to shut up when really it’s just a matter of polite disagreement, linking to a post of Jen McCreight’s. Abbie Smith made a considerably more snide comment on Ed Clint’s post.

‎*newsflash* Watsons LIFE is fucking around on the internet.  Thats all

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KD Grace and Susan Quilliam talk about sexualization *

Nov 16th, 2011 | Filed by

Sexualization is a feminist issue, and a masculinist issue. Much of our unhealthy obsession with sexuality comes from a rebellion against inhibition and guilt.… Read the rest

Vyckie Garrison on the Duggars and baby #20

Nov 15th, 2011 5:41 pm | By

It’s a woman’s chance for martyrdom.

In her book, The Way Home, Beyond Feminism and Back To Reality, Quiverfull proponent Mary Pride explains that mothers who risk their lives for the sake of building the Kingdom of God are to be honored the same as missionaries:

“Routinely we send missionaries off to work in unsavory climates, knowing full well that they will probably come down with amoebic dysentery, be overheated (or frozen), receive inadequate medical care in second-rate hospitals, and on the average live ten years less than other people. But we don’t tell people not to be missionaries. Instead, we commend missionaries for their courage.

“Missionaries go to foreign countries to beget new Christians; mothers get pregnant

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A hero

Nov 15th, 2011 4:31 pm | By

And now for something completely different – the anti-Michelle Duggar – Farzana Yasmin in Bangladesh.

A top human rights group in Bangladesh has praised a bride who disowned her husband within minutes of their wedding because he demanded a dowry.

Sultana Kamal of the Ask rights group said that Farzana Yasmin had taken a “principled and brave stand against the gross injustice of dowry payments”.

“Already she is facing recriminations with several parties trying to defame her and portray her as a loose woman. In fact she is a heroine of Bangladesh.”

Ms Yasmin’s decision to divorce her husband within minutes of their wedding in the conservative southern district of Barguna has sent shockwaves through the country, with

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(This is a syndicated post. Read the original at FreeThoughtBlogs.)

BBC drops climate change episode to sell show abroad *

Nov 15th, 2011 | Filed by

British viewers will see seven episodes, the last of which deals with global warming. Viewers in other countries, including the US, will see only the first six episodes.… Read the rest

Bangladesh bride disowns dowry demanding husband *

Nov 15th, 2011 | Filed by

The “10-minute bride” told the BBC that she wanted other “dowry-oppressed women”
in Bangladesh to be inspired by her actions.… Read the rest

Starting young

Nov 15th, 2011 11:35 am | By

See what it’s like to grow up as a Quiverfull child.

I’m the oldest of 12. I was 13 when my baby sister Tess slept in my room. I was responsible for changing and feeding her in the middle of the night (she was 6 months plus…I don’t remember exactly). That was pretty much the beginning. (To be fair, she was one of two babies who was passed off so young, but still.)

My second sister (seven years younger than me) is mother to our second-youngest sister, Abby. I don’t say second mother. I say mother. After a high-risk pregnancy, mom had an emergency C-section, and Abby became Beth’s buddy. She couldn’t nurse, so she was purely bottle-fed. Beth

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Deaths put focus on Pearls’ advocacy of whipping *

Nov 15th, 2011 | Filed by

“To give up the use of the rod is to give up our views of human nature, God, eternity,” the Pearls write in their book.… Read the rest

Another baby!

Nov 14th, 2011 6:08 pm | By

So I watched the Duggars for half an hour or so last night. I hadn’t seen them before apart from a few minutes once, before I knew they were Quiverfull. The whole thing is, not surprisingly, blood-curdling. Especially Jim Bob. God he’s awful – genial and ignorant and intrusive. They all went to Edinburgh (apparently because Jim-Bob is under the delusion that “King James” translated the bible), their first time ever out of the country, and perhaps even Arkansas – and on their very first afternoon there, Jim Bob got in a friendly chat with a street performer and damn if he didn’t come right out and say “what’s your faith background?” No really, he did – 90 seconds into … Read the rest

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Nous sommes tous Charlie

Nov 14th, 2011 5:16 pm | By

And speaking of Facebook, it didn’t cover itself with glory in the matter of Charlie Hebdo, either. Charlie H says Facebook prevented CH from moderating its own Facebook page.

Charlie Hebdo’sFacebook page has been swamped with 13,000 messages, many of them threats and insults, since the publication of this week’s issue retitled Charia Hebdo and featuring a cartoon of Mohammed on its front cover.

But its moderator cannot remove them, the blog says, “under the pretext – surprise! surprise! – that Charlie Hebdo is not a ‘real’ person” and because it breaches a ban on “publications featuring nudity or other sexually suggestive content”, says the satirical paper’s blog, launched on Thursday to show that it is

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Ignoring it won’t make it go away

Nov 14th, 2011 12:00 pm | By

Someone who blogs at the CHE under the title “Female Science Professor” ruminates on how to respond to sexist comments.

The incidents themselves are not what generates the debate on my blog. Instead, the sometimes-heated discussion focuses on how I have chosen to respond to such slights: that is, my tendency to react in a calm, polite way, perhaps with a bit of humor or gentle sarcasm. Except in extreme cases, I prefer not to respond to insulting remarks with anger, and I try to move on with the research, teaching, or service task at hand.

No wonder there’s debate.

Granted, it’s sensible to respond calmly and politely, in a professional setting. You don’t want to turn purple in … Read the rest

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Should sexist remarks be ignored or confronted? *

Nov 14th, 2011 | Filed by

Why are we still talking about how to treat certain types of people as intellectual equals?… Read the rest

Aikin and Talisse on halo words and “pluralism” *

Nov 14th, 2011 | Filed by

Every conception of toleration identifies limits to what deserves toleration. No advocate of toleration recommends that we tolerate bands of armed fascists.… Read the rest

RSF slams Facebook for censoring Charlie Hebdo *

Nov 14th, 2011 | Filed by

“Facebook has just discovered opportunely that Charlie Hebdo ‘is not a real person’, something that breaks the site’s rules,” RSF said in a statement.… Read the rest

Facebook’s little jeu d’esprit

Nov 14th, 2011 9:40 am | By

Update: Facebook caved, fixed it. Let the experts do the magic realism, please.

Facebook decides to try its hand at magic realism. If cool people like Salman Rushdie can play around with concepts of identity and authenticity and malleability, why shouldn’t Facebook do likewise? And how better to do that than by playing silly buggers with the identity of Salman Rushdie himself?

So what Facebook does is, it de-activates Salman Rushdie’s Facebook account on the grounds that it (Facebook) thinks it’s an impostor. That’s a very silly claim, because if Facebook had taken the trouble to read a few posts and comments it would have seen that it wasn’t. But then it wouldn’t have been able to play around … Read the rest

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In conversation: Kiran Desai meets Anita Desai *

Nov 14th, 2011 | Filed by

Does one live the lives one has written as much as one writes about lives one has known?… Read the rest