All entries by this author

Bush Working at Breakneck Speed *

Nov 28th, 2008 | Filed by

To weaken or reverse regulations that protect America’s wilderness and other tree-hugging stuff.… Read the rest

Having a ‘Costless’ Conscience *

Nov 28th, 2008 | Filed by

Delivering the people of Afghanistan back to the Taliban might not be a great outcome.… Read the rest

Malaysian Jailed for Torturing Indonesian Maid *

Nov 28th, 2008 | Filed by

Yim Pek Ha scalded Nirmala Bonat with boiling water and burned her with an iron for making mistakes.… Read the rest

FFRF Plans to Sue Rancho Cucamonga *

Nov 27th, 2008 | Filed by

For having a silly name. No, for taking ‘Imagine No Religion’ billboard down.… Read the rest

Mumbai *

Nov 27th, 2008 | Filed by

Some residents report in.… Read the rest

Scientists Cannot Hide Away in Their Labs *

Nov 27th, 2008 | Filed by

‘It is vital that we help defend our rational, secular society against the rising tide of irrationalism and ignorance.’… Read the rest

Mark Vernon: Less Science, More Common Sense *

Nov 27th, 2008 | Filed by

‘Straightforward good judgment’ better than science or reason. But what is straightforward good judgment?… Read the rest

Science as a Way of Knowing *

Nov 27th, 2008 | Filed by

We need both: sound basic knowledge and the ability to discuss complex ideas that have a global impact.… Read the rest

Bad Neuroscience Journalism Awareness Month *

Nov 26th, 2008 | Filed by

How will the NY Times celebrate this year? With a study that reveals – sit down – that bullies like to bully.… Read the rest

Funding for Humanist Group Shock-Horror *

Nov 26th, 2008 | Filed by

Equality and Human Rights Commission gave a £35,000 grant to BHA; also funds many religious groups.… Read the rest

Ottawa Citizen on ‘Defamation of Religion’ Ban *

Nov 26th, 2008 | Filed by

‘Canada rejects the basic premise that religions have rights; human rights belong to human beings.’… Read the rest

How humanists are like the Taliban

Nov 26th, 2008 11:23 am | By

The British Humanist Association got a grant from the Equality and Human Rights Commission to hold a series of debates about the place of religion in public life.

The four events will include speakers from faith groups but one of the keynote addresses is being delivered by the prominent atheist Professor AC Grayling…

But? Why but? What do they mean ‘but’? That a series of debates about the place of religion in public life should include nothing but ‘speakers from faith groups’? But that would be kind of a stupid ‘debate,’ wouldn’t it? More like a prayer meeting, or a preaching to the choir session? More like a complete waste of time in fact? Why would a series of debates … Read the rest

How constitutions differ

Nov 25th, 2008 3:49 pm | By

How Bangladesh went wrong.

Bangladesh began sliding slowly towards Islamism following the assassination of Rahman in 1975. In 1977, references to secularism were deleted from the constitution and the phrase “Bismillah-Ar-Rahiman-Ar Rahim” (“In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful”) was inserted. Five years later, General Ershad…introduced the Eighth Amendment, making Islam the state religion. The constitution now states that “absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah shall be the basis of all actions.”

Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful, who (according to them) wants men to treat women like dirt, and treacherous disobedient dirt at that.

I was on a bus yesterday that had an ad inside with that saying on it, along with an injunction to … Read the rest

Mary Kenny Recycles Her Own Nonsense *

Nov 25th, 2008 | Filed by

Has never met a cheerful atheist, therefore all atheists are miserable and dreary. Theism plays hell with logic.… Read the rest

New Laws Against Forced Marriage *

Nov 25th, 2008 | Filed by

Court injunctions will forbid families to take people abroad for marriage, seize passports, intimidate victims… Read the rest

UN Urges End to Abuses of Women *

Nov 25th, 2008 | Filed by

In Kenya half of women experience domestic violence; in Iraq women’s rights have eroded in all areas of life.… Read the rest

Pickled Politics on the Global Blasphemy Law *

Nov 25th, 2008 | Filed by

A proposal for the criminalisation of speech that would allow clerics to decide what is an ‘insult to religion.’… Read the rest

Is Obama the Antichrist? *

Nov 25th, 2008 | Filed by

Ooh, yes, could be, think some whack jobs in the Rapture Ready community.… Read the rest

Bush Rushes to Gut Endangered Species Law *

Nov 25th, 2008 | Filed by

Spiteful hacks admit intent to complete changes quickly so that Obama can’t overturn them quickly.… Read the rest

The Religious Support Behind Proposition 8 *

Nov 25th, 2008 | Filed by

Theists voted to revoke the legal right for gays to marry for theological reasons: God doesn’t like it.… Read the rest