All entries by this author

Walter Isaacson, Einstein, and Mileva Marić

Apr 17th, 2007 | By Allen Esterson

In an article in Time magazine in 2006 Walter Isaacson wrote of Albert Einstein: “[In 1905] he had come up with the special theory of relativity… His marriage to Mileva Marić, an intense and brooding Serbian physicist who had helped him with the math of his 1905 paper, had just exploded.”[1]

As I pointed out at the time[2], Einstein would hardly have needed help with the modest level of mathematics he used in the special relativity paper, the knowledge of which he had already acquired in his middle teens. As Jürgen Renn, an editor of the Albert Einstein Collected Papers, has observed, “If he had needed help with that kind of mathematics, he would have ended there.”[3] I could … Read the rest

The duty of inquiry

Apr 16th, 2007 2:44 pm | By

I’ve just re-read W K Clifford’s ‘The Ethics of Belief’. The first paragraph is well known.

A shipowner was about to send to sea an emigrant-ship. He knew that she was old, and not overwell built at the first…Doubts had been suggested to him that possibly she was not seaworthy. These doubts preyed upon his mind, and made him unhappy; he thought that perhaps he ought to have her thoroughly overhauled and and refitted, even though this should put him at great expense. Before the ship sailed, however, he succeeded in overcoming these melancholy reflections.

He rationalized them away, and was content. In reading that paragraph again, I was struck by a parallel – a very strong parallel. Feynman Read the rest

I Beg You, Take Me Away From Here *

Apr 16th, 2007 | Filed by

‘I have nothing here. Why should I live in this prison and be forced to marry a man I do not wish to marry?’… Read the rest

Two Men Arrested in Assault on Kadra *

Apr 16th, 2007 | Filed by

She told Norwegian newspaper VG that the Koran’s views on women needed to be reinterpreted.… Read the rest

Norwegian-Somalian FGM Critic Assaulted *

Apr 16th, 2007 | Filed by

They kicked her and screamed that she had trampled on the Koran. She has several broken ribs.… Read the rest

Group Claims it Has Murdered Alan Johnston *

Apr 16th, 2007 | Filed by

BBC said it could not confirm the claims by the previously unknown ‘Tawhid and Jihad brigades.’… Read the rest

Clive James on Wittgenstein *

Apr 16th, 2007 | Filed by

A given line of argument could be outright wrong, especially if it sought obsessively for a unity that could not exist. … Read the rest

Allah-o-akbar, thwack, crunch

Apr 16th, 2007 10:22 am | By

Honour is a beautiful thing; so is devoutness; right? Seven or eight men knocking a woman down and then kicking her and breaking several of her ribs – what could be more beautiful and holy than that? Few things I can think of, for sure.

Norwegian-Somalian Kadra, who became famous in Norway for exposing imam support of female circumcision, was beaten unconscious on Thursday…”I was terrified. While I lay on the pavement they kicked me and screamed that I had trampled on the Koran. Several shouted Allah-o-akbar (God is great) and also recited from the Koran,” Kadra told VG. Kadra linked the attack to recent remarks in VG where she said that the Koran’s views on women needed to be

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Nick Cohen on Noxious Fumes *

Apr 15th, 2007 | Filed by

When environmentalists rave and reactionaries cheer, the outlook is grim.… Read the rest

US House Majority Leader Meets MB Leader *

Apr 15th, 2007 | Filed by

Steny Hoyer met with the Muslim Brotherhood’s parliamentary leader in Cairo.… Read the rest

Ben Goldacre on Blaming Big Pharma *

Apr 15th, 2007 | Filed by

Only 10% of pharmaceutical research is funded outside the pharmaceutical industry; whose fault is that?… Read the rest

More Will Mean Worse? *

Apr 15th, 2007 | Filed by

Conflict faced by many lecturers teaching students they regard as ill-equipped for degree-level study. … Read the rest

Ankara Rally for Secularism *

Apr 15th, 2007 | Filed by

Women, especially, are worried.… Read the rest

Julian Baggini on the Real Clash of Civilizations *

Apr 14th, 2007 | Filed by

Middle ground between shoulder-shrugging relativism and dogmatic fundamentalism has been vacated.… Read the rest

Devout annexation

Apr 13th, 2007 12:32 pm | By

Quarreling with Martha Nussbaum.

I think that in all religions there are people who want to live a traditional life and people who want to be part of modernity, and we ought to make room for both and show both equal respect.

That depends on what you mean by ‘live a traditional life’ and what you mean by ‘show both equal respect.’ Or to put it another way, that sounds nice, if you don’t pay too much attention; it sounds very kind and caring and generous; but what if ‘live a traditional life’ means ‘raise their children to believe that women are inferior to men’ or ‘coerce their daughters into marrying strangers’ or ‘forbid their wives and daughters to … Read the rest

Reporters and Readers are Responsible *

Apr 13th, 2007 | Filed by

Readers want Faye Turney, not some dead Kuwaiti intepreter.… Read the rest

Ann Coulter’s Brilliant Hoax *

Apr 13th, 2007 | Filed by

A witty parody of attacks on evolution, in the style of the Sokal hoax.… Read the rest

Houzan Mahmoud Says No to a Medieval Kurdistan *

Apr 13th, 2007 | Filed by

An important new front in the battle to push sharia law back where it belongs – in the dark ages. … Read the rest

History matters

Apr 12th, 2007 12:15 pm | By

What children in Japan learn about their own recent past:

We’ve learnt that Japan fought a war with China and colonised parts of the country. Sometimes the Japanese were a bit cruel, forcing places to adopt Japanese names and forcing people to adopt the Japanese language. But we didn’t really get into the details of what actually happened. I feel my understanding of the war is a bit thin.

Yeah, it is. It’s those textbooks we keep hearing about – the ones that infuriate the Chinese and Koreans (and Indonesians? Indians? Burmese? Thais? We don’t hear so much about that) because they radically minimize what Japan actually did when it ‘fought a war with’ (i.e. invaded) China (and the … Read the rest

Women as ‘Honour of Families and Communities’ *

Apr 12th, 2007 | Filed by

Acts of ‘rescue’ of Hindu women from marriages with ‘other’ men are projected as acts of nationalism. … Read the rest