All entries by this author

‘Voice’ of the Muslim Community is Always Male *

Feb 17th, 2007 | Filed by

Muslim society, Gina Khan says, is based on male domination and the oppression of women. … Read the rest

Let’s build an international secular movement!

Feb 17th, 2007 | By Azar Majedi

I am very pleased to be part of this movement. Coming from the Middle East, living under the Islamic Republic in Iran, one of the most brutal regimes of the 20th century, I feel very passionate about the aims of this movement. As a first hand victim of political Islam, as a woman who has lived under the rule of Islam, I have experienced first hand the brutalism and suppression of an Islamic regime and political Islam. As a left activist fighting for freedom and equality I experienced this brutal regime and this reactionary political force, loosing many friends and comrades.

I have devoted my life to fight for a better world, a free and egalitarian society, where there exists … Read the rest

Kansas Tweaks Science Standards *

Feb 16th, 2007 | Filed by

Kansas has repealed public school science guidelines questioning the theory of evolution.… Read the rest

Kansas Gets a Clue, Texas Drops It *

Feb 16th, 2007 | Filed by

Kansas Board of Education accepts the teaching of evolution, but a Texas Rep sends a funny memo.… Read the rest

Congress Considers Armenian Genocide Bill *

Feb 16th, 2007 | Filed by

Turkey rejects the genocide label, argues that 300,000 Armenians and as many Turks died in civil strife.… Read the rest

Brian Opera Awakes Blasphemy Worries *

Feb 16th, 2007 | Filed by

‘It has got to be offensive to anyone who values music as means of expressing great ideas.’… Read the rest

Oddities of Texas Legislature *

Feb 16th, 2007 | Filed by

Evolution is the Pharisee Religion; Einstein and Sagan were Kabbalists; Hollywood did it.… Read the rest

Kenyan Principal Expels Uncircumcised Boys *

Feb 16th, 2007 | Filed by

Taboos, bullying, tradition, public institutions, parents, expense.… Read the rest

‘We must not forget the body’

Feb 16th, 2007 11:34 am | By

More Tariq Ramadan. Maybe a little more Buruma, too, although I made at least one reader very cross the last time I disagreed (somewhat) with Buruma. Anyway, mostly Ramadan.

Buruma notes that he says different things in different contexts, then talks to Scott Appleby, who tried to get Ramadan to Notre Dame.

He is accused of being Janus-faced. Well, of course he presents different faces to different audiences. He is trying to bridge a divide and bring together people of diverse backgrounds and worldviews. He considers the opening he finds in his audience. Ramadan is in that sense a politician.

Okay. Fair point. He is trying to bridge a divide; he is a politician. Okay; but then that … Read the rest

Forum Against Social Evils Burning Cards *

Feb 15th, 2007 | Filed by

Guys in baseball caps protest Western customs.… Read the rest

Kashmiri Group Resists Valentine’s Day *

Feb 15th, 2007 | Filed by

‘You have to understand that Western culture, including Valentine’s Day has no place in our society.’… Read the rest

Bal Patil on Hinduization in Gujarat *

Feb 15th, 2007 | Filed by

The Gujarat Freedom of Religion (Amendment) Bill 2006 defines Buddhists and Jains as Hindus.… Read the rest

Suffer the Little Dollars to Come Unto Me *

Feb 15th, 2007 | Filed by

Pastor says reports of his financial dealings represent a misunderstanding of the prosperity gospel.… Read the rest

Cargo Cult Celebrates 50th Birthday *

Feb 15th, 2007 | Filed by

They hope one day to entice another delivery of cargo. … Read the rest

Sami Zubaida on Islam, Religion and Ideology *

Feb 15th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Muslims do not constitute a “community”; assertion of Islam as their primary identity is a misleading ideology.’… Read the rest

Radio Open Source on Spinoza *

Feb 15th, 2007 | Filed by

Rebecca Goldstein and Antonio Damasio.… Read the rest

Martin Jacques Spies ‘Islamophobia’ *

Feb 15th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Important ground is now being ceded as Islamophobia becomes the acceptable face of racism.’… Read the rest

Brother Tariq

Feb 15th, 2007 11:44 am | By

Tariq Ramadan says a lot of words in this piece but they don’t add up to much. He has a point about the denial of his visa, but he also says some dubious things and some unmeaning things.

There are some subjects, so it seems, about which an American citizen or permanent resident must now maintain silence. A “moderate” Muslim, in particular, should never discuss the Middle East, the suffering of the Palestinians, or the arrogance of longstanding Israeli policy. To force people to accept such limitations is not only counterproductive, but, more important, it impoverishes the open debate American society so desperately needs. In an atmosphere of perpetual fear, tongues remain tied, while those who do encourage a thoroughgoing

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Reading Danny Postel in Tehran

Feb 14th, 2007 12:04 pm | By

Scott McLemee’s interview with Danny Postel is a must-read.

“In hundreds of conversations I’ve had with Iranian intellectuals, journalists, and human rights activists in recent years, I invariably encounter exasperation,” writes Danny Postel in Reading “Legitimation Crisis” in Tehran: Iran and the Future of Liberalism, a recent addition to the Prickly Paradigm pamphlet series distributed by the University of Chicago Press. “Why, they ask, is the American Left so indifferent to the struggle taking place in Iran? Why can’t the Iranian movement get the attention of so-called progressives and solidarity activists here?” Postel, a senior editor of the online magazine openDemocracy, sees the Iranian situation as a crucial test of whether soi-disant American “progressives” can think outside the logic

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Secular Thinkers Have Thoughts Too *

Feb 14th, 2007 | Filed by

‘Thought for the Day’ has become a battleground between the BBC and the Humanist Society.… Read the rest