Just you

This is hilarious – one of the Orbiters talks about the virtues of “cutting people some goddamn slack now and then.”

It’s a post about a tv cartoon show and especially one episode. I know nothing of the show so I make no comment on that aspect. It’s the lack of self-awareness that is so riotous.

[S]o much going on with this episode! At least three major themes: learning to accept other’s imperfections, learning that different social arenas have different rules, and gender fluidity.

Learning to accept [an]other’s imperfections – !! From a blogger at The Orbit! The blog network that just shat on a longstanding friend for a very minor putative transgression two years ago that she apologized for at the time – someone on that network has the gall to talk about accepting other people’s imperfections. It’s hilarious but also sickening.

What the gems have to learn — Garnet and Pearl, anyway — is to cut people some goddamn slack now and then.

Yes, cutting people some goddamn slack now and then is a good idea. That’s all the more true when

  • the people are longstanding friends
  • the putative wrongdoing is very minor if it’s wrong at all
  • the people apologized and planned to do better going forward
  • it was two years ago
  • it was two years ago
  • it was two years ago

But The Orbit didn’t do that. The Orbit did the opposite of that – treated a very minor, debatable wrongdoing from a long time ago as such a horrifying outrage that it merited outright public shunning.

That’s what I still can barely believe, I guess – that they not only agreed to stop offering Amy’s jewelry as rewards for pledges, they also named and shamed her, and repudiated her, in public, for all the world to see.

But hey, by all means cut people some goddamn slack now and then – yourself, at least, and maybe your spouse, and maybe…well no just yourself. You’re the one who counts, after all.

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