Anti-cancel culture cancel culture

So, I replied to Iona Italia’s “both sides” tweets, argumentatively but not rudely, and today I find that she’s blocked me. It’s her right to block me or anyone else, of course, but I can still point out some flaws in both her claims and her approach to disagreement.

What’s surprising about it, to me (perhaps I’m naive), is that she’s part of the anti-woke anti-feminist anti-cancel culture crowd, the Peter Boghossian-James Lindsay-Helen Pluckrose crowd, the let debate flow no matter what crowd. In short these are people you don’t expect to block you just for disputing them.

I think those are reasonable questions, and not abusive – and furthermore I really did (and do) want to know what her response is. She hasn’t given any, to me or anyone, all she’s done is complain about the volume of replies. Fair enough, a torrent of replies can be overwhelming, but does that make it reasonable to treat everyone who did reply as a wrongdoer? That’s the only real point of blocking now, because you can always just mute instead. It seems silly to say things on Twitter and then get indignant when people reply. That’s how Twitter works: you say things and sometimes people reply. Conversation may ensue.

Again: real question, to which I would have liked a real answer. I don’t understand her thinking, and given her allegiances and allies, I’m curious about it.

I’ll have to stay curious though.

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