Supremes Release Tape *

Apr 3rd, 2003 | Filed by

Wide interest in affirmative action case prompts the Supreme Court to release tape of the hearings.… Read the rest

Are Private Schools Unfair? *

Apr 3rd, 2003 | Filed by

Adam Swift’s new book argues that educational privilege is incompatible with equality of opportunity.… Read the rest

Two of Them

Apr 2nd, 2003 9:08 pm | By

So there (see below) are two of my operating assumptions. That many words important for our understanding and conversation are not transparent, not self-evident – indeed are worse than that, are apparently self-evident and straightforward but in fact not. Thus we have a false sense of security when we use them, we take them for granted and at face value, and assume that everyone understands them exactly as we do. But such is not the case. My second operating assumption is that this matters, it’s a problem, it causes problems, and should never be lost sight of.

Elitism is one of those words. I have a running argument with a friend, who is forever telling me that I’m an elitist … Read the rest

Operating Assumptions

Apr 2nd, 2003 6:53 pm | By

We all have our operating assumptions, and it can be interesting and even useful sometimes to figure out what our own and other people’s are. One of my own that I often notice is not universal, is that Things Could Be Better. That improvement is needed, that there are errors and misunderstandings that need pointing out and fixing. Of course, in one sense, that’s too obvious to need stating, and everyone knows it: no one is fool enough to think everything everywhere is perfect at all times. But some people do seem to have a default assumption that the world is all right and
straightforward and self-evident and easily managed, that problems and confusions and mistakes are the exception not … Read the rest

What is Hypocrisy? *

Apr 2nd, 2003 | Filed by

Adam Swift examines some bad moves in the argument over education.… Read the rest

E.O. Wilson *

Apr 2nd, 2003 | Filed by

Harvard profiles the pioneer of sociobiology.… Read the rest

Two Very Different Views of the War *

Apr 2nd, 2003 | Filed by

One speaker critical of Bush’s foreign policy, one who helped create it.… Read the rest

Audio of Supreme Court Debate *

Apr 2nd, 2003 | Filed by

National Public Radio offers highlights of arguments on Affirmative Action. Hear Scalia in full sarcastic mode.… Read the rest

US Supreme Court Hears Affirmative Action Case *

Apr 2nd, 2003 | Filed by

Rice backs Bush but acknowledges she was a beneficiary of Affirmative Action; Powell disagrees with the President.… Read the rest

Letters for April, 2003

Apr 2nd, 2003 | By

Letters for April, 2003.… Read the rest

Affirmative Action on Trial *

Apr 1st, 2003 | Filed by

US Supreme Court is to hear arguments on racial preferences in university admissions today.… Read the rest

Helpful or a Source of Conflict? *

Apr 1st, 2003 | Filed by

Scholarships and other programs explicitly for minorities are under attack.… Read the rest

Encyclopedia of Stupidity Reviewed *

Apr 1st, 2003 | Filed by

Bierce, Flaubert mentioned, Fashionable Dictionary inexplicably not.… Read the rest

Some More

Apr 1st, 2003 12:11 am | By

In ‘The New Yorker’ Seymour Hersh tells of the disagreements between the military and the Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. There is some of this in every war, and a lot of it is just each side protecting itself or as we put it in the vernacular, covering its ass. But it may be worse than usual this time. Or it may not.

Perhaps the biggest disappointment of last week was the failure of the Shiite factions in southern Iraq to support the American and British invasion. Various branches of the Al Dawa faction, which operate underground, have been carrying out acts of terrorism against the Iraqi regime since the nineteen-eighties. But Al Dawa has also been hostile to American interests.

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