Richard Norman on Richard Swinburne

Jun 30th, 2006 8:48 pm | By

A reader alerted me to this article taking issue with Swinburne.

…serious arguments are what the religious believer needs to come up with, rather than evasive appeals to ‘faith’. If belief in God is a matter of ‘faith’ in contrast to reason, there’s nothing to distinguish it from mere wishful thinking.

Just so. And yet ‘faith’ is routinely used as a valor word, a virtue word, a self-righteous word, a self-flattering word. The nimbus around it almost always indicates ‘I have “faith” therefore I am better.’ That’s bad. Wishful thinking should not have an aura of superior virtue or depth. But it does. That’s bad.

Swinburne now offers two new versions of the argument from design, which shift the argument

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Hold Still, Let Me Alleviate You

Jun 30th, 2006 8:43 pm | By

Because the question is, what good is sympathy and alleviating suffering if there is no suffering? What is the point of them? There is no point. They’re not needed. They’re not even virtues. The notion is absurd. Suppose a friend bounces up to you, full of bliss and happiness, to tell you some good news. Is it a good thing to clutch her hand damply and say how sorry you are? Is it a good thing to push her down and force morphine down her throat? No. Your sympathy and alleviation aren’t needed or wanted. (Sympathy in the sense of fellow-feeling is probably welcome, but that’s not what Swinburne means here.) And if your friend is never suffering and in … Read the rest

Make a List of Howard Stern

Jun 30th, 2006 6:29 pm | By

Rhetoric in play in this review of Breaking the Spell.

Thus we read: “If theists would be so kind as to make a short list of all the concepts of God they renounce as balderdash before proceeding further, we atheists would know just which topics were still on the table, but, out of a mixture of caution, loyalty, and unwillingness to offend anyone ‘on their side,’ theists typically decline to do this.” Perhaps so, but then is Dennett prepared to perform a comparable triage for the favorite topics of his fellow atheists? Where do “we atheists” stand, for example, with regard to fellow atheist Howard Stern? We theists would like to know, if Dennett would be so kind, though

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Jack Miles on Dennett’s Breaking the Spell *

Jun 30th, 2006 | Filed by

Concepts of God are to theists as concepts of Howard Stern are to atheists. Eh?… Read the rest

On Goldstein on Spinoza *

Jun 30th, 2006 | Filed by

The intersection between Spinoza’s Jewishness and the cosmopolitanism of his thought.… Read the rest

1906 Edition of The Jungle Was Not Censored *

Jun 30th, 2006 | Filed by

The version that See Sharp Press disparages as ‘censored’ is the version Sinclair approved.… Read the rest

On The Penguin Freud Reader *

Jun 30th, 2006 | Filed by

The notion that opposites can collapse into each other at any time becomes very troubling.… Read the rest

Swinburne Again

Jun 29th, 2006 8:42 pm | By

Richard Swinburne is interesting. I’ve said so before. So has Mark Fournier at Tachyphrenia. And now it’s time to say it some more. Because the things Swinburne says here are truly revolting, and yet they are, of course, what you get if you try to reconcile the omnipotent omnibenevolent God with the existence and abundance of suffering in the world – just what Darwin couldn’t manage to reconcile himself to. There’s an irony of sorts in the fact that it’s Swinburne’s view that is considered by many – by surprisingly many – to be the ‘devout’ and ‘holy’ and therefore (why? why therefore?) ‘good’ one, and Darwin’s that is considered the impious and wicked one. The approval of … Read the rest

Furthermore, EDKH Wrote Bad Novels *

Jun 29th, 2006 | Filed by

Despite all the subtle – very, very subtle – signs of irony and resistance and whatnot.… Read the rest

Emma Dunham Kelley Hawkins was White *

Jun 29th, 2006 | Filed by

One mistake is hard to root out of the literature, even harder to root out of popular consciousness.… Read the rest

Can History be Open Source? *

Jun 29th, 2006 | Filed by

A historian on Wikipedia.… Read the rest

Supporting Science Teachers *

Jun 29th, 2006 | Filed by

Science academies from 67 countries sign a statement on teaching evolution. They’re for it.… Read the rest

Occultism *

Jun 29th, 2006 | Filed by

It’s everywhere. Or is it.… Read the rest

Man Sentenced for ‘Honour Killing’ in Denmark *

Jun 29th, 2006 | Filed by

Ghazala Khan was murdered because the family opposed her choice of husband. … Read the rest

US Supreme Court: Military Tribunals Illegal *

Jun 29th, 2006 | Filed by

Court rules that trying terrorism suspects by military tribunal violates Geneva Conventions.… Read the rest

Lot of Issues Here *

Jun 28th, 2006 | Filed by

‘I’m gay, so I get Diversity, so hire me, but it’s a secret.’… Read the rest

Fundy Xians are Loony in Different Ways *

Jun 28th, 2006 | Filed by

So they’re not all that alarming? Hmm.… Read the rest

Kira Cochrane Interviews Ariel Levy *

Jun 28th, 2006 | Filed by

How does one distinguish the new feminism from the old objectification?… Read the rest

We May Lose Hormones, But We Gain Empathy *

Jun 28th, 2006 | Filed by

Development never stops, which is one of the things that make it interesting to be a being.… Read the rest

Richard Swinburne Talks Revolting Nonsense *

Jun 28th, 2006 | Filed by

Suffering is good for us, God answers prayers if we ask for the right reasons.… Read the rest