Jeff Weintraub Writes to Andrew Sullivan *

May 1st, 2007 | Filed by

About taking one’s own point of view to be the only or universal point of view.… Read the rest

Turkish Court Annuls Presidency Vote *

May 1st, 2007 | Filed by

Secularist opposition parties accuse Gul of a hidden Islamist agenda.… Read the rest

Appreciate Your Secularism *

May 1st, 2007 | Filed by

‘It’s a luxury to be able to take it for granted here – and worth remembering that we shouldn’t.’… Read the rest

Inayat Bunglawala Speaks Up for Sharia *

May 1st, 2007 | Filed by

Shariah courts deal with civil matters such as marriage and divorce. The arrangement is entirely voluntary.… Read the rest

How dare you, sir

May 1st, 2007 10:27 am | By

Steven Poole muses on

a possible tension in what passes for my “thought”: evincing on the one hand a kind of Anglo-empiricism, I nonetheless have a soft spot for the works of such writers as Derrida, Baudrillard and Zizek, all of whom are anathema to the Anglophone analytic tradition…[P]erhaps the common factor was this: I was not at all sure that I was as clever as any of these men, and so even when I was troubled by seeming opacity or nonsense, I reckoned that I had better tread carefully.

That’s an interesting ‘and so,’ since it leads to something that doesn’t follow from what ‘and so’ seems to claim that it does. It is not necessary to be sure … Read the rest

Utter certainty, yet leavened by humility and doubt

May 1st, 2007 9:28 am | By

Speaking of unshakeable faith, Andrew Sullivan gave a pretty good display of that (and I don’t mean that as a compliment) in the debate with Sam Harris. A pretty good display of knowing what he can’t know, of labeling beliefs as ‘truth’ merely because he has decided to believe them for no very good reason, of admitting it’s all nonsense yet insisting that he knows it all the same.

The reason I cannot conceive of my non-existence is because I have accepted, freely and sanely, the love of Jesus, and I have felt it, heard it, known it. He would never let me go. And by never, I mean eternally. And so I could never not exist and neither

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